Thursday, October 28

many things to talk of

I was pondering recently why we are really here. Why are we here? To what end? And when it comes down to our real purpose, how many people in this world have it all firgured out? Where are the answers?

I was prompted to such thinkings by recalling the many wars our people have lived through. By our people I mean the brothers and sisters of ours, in the name of Christ. There is so much torture, and so mcuh blood shed. To what end?

Jesus said that people hated Him; and they did. He contined by saying people are going to hate us. They are going to hate us because we do what is right. They are going to hate us because they are jealous of our love, and goodness. They are going to hate us because we don't hate Him. To this end, we are called. To be hated.

"Take up your cross daily and follow Me."

What an End.


At 10/28/2004 10:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey bekah, what is that verse? i dont feel hated! :P


At 10/29/2004 10:18 PM, Blogger David Pulliam said...

lol of course people hate you Ethan. There are people throughout the world who hate us. They try to destroy Christianity and destroy Christians, you're just a sheltered society right now, just wait until you get into the real world and then you'll understand.

At 10/29/2004 11:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

David, are we hated or is it the image of Christianity they hate? the bad image that people that claim to be christians have given them, and thus they identify that as Christianity(this is applying to the culture we in america live in... not around the world as much). i really think Ghandi was right, if we as Christians were to follow what Jesus taught to the letter, the word would explode... for Good, and the world would be a much better place for it. we will be hated, but we will show love beyond there hate... love is so more powerful then hate. so let us look at what Christ did, and love like he did... and take the hate we recieve as a blessing from God (in ways).



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