Friday, October 8

I wasn't going to post these but you made me do it:

Some clips from my THREE papers on Dante and Hell:
"According to Dante man went to one of three places after death. In his comedy he travels through all three of these places. In his first book, Hell, Dante depicts with incredible detail the specifics of the everlasting punishment. Hell is where the unrepentant sinner was doomed to eternal torture."

"In Hell Dante seems to value Christ on the same level as Julius Caesar. This is evident because he put Judas Iscariot (the man who betrayed Jesus to His death) on the same level of Hell as the men who betrayed Caesar. It can be concluded that Dante did believe that Christ was an important figure in History, and very glorious; but when it comes to Christ's death on the cross, Dante didn't believe it was enough to save the sinner."

"Dante has a very unique style. He mixed the Christian view with the views of the Greco/Roman view. That had never been done before. He has a strong Catholic view, but he also was true to his ancestors believing in their gods, and in the Roman Empire. Dante believed what he wrote. He had a twisted view of who God was, and who we are. Yet, he did understand that men sin, and they are punished for their depravity."


At 10/08/2004 1:09 PM, Blogger erudil said...

Yes, Brutus and Cassius receive the same kind of punishment as Judas; but theirs is far less than his. "That upper spirit,/Who hath worse punishment," so spake my guide,/"Is Judas, he that hath his head within/And plies the feet without." The point is that all people who betrayed benefactors are punished in this region of this circle. Judas (and Caiaphas in a different circle) both receive punishments alike to other people but far worse than anyone else in their areas.
The whole work is conceived as a work of fiction, not as an accurate depiction of the afterlife. The Græco-Roman mythological people are, I believe, put in there to increase the appeal of the work. Remember, Dante wrote at the very beginning of the Renaissance, and he used Italian. Using the vernacular would downgrade his work in the eyes of some, and he probably must add something else to increase its appeal.

At 10/08/2004 4:52 PM, Blogger David Pulliam said...

Dante just wrote on what hell could be like. I don't think he actually thought of it as fact. I mean, he knew he made it up.

At 10/09/2004 4:06 PM, Blogger CFchampion said...

do you like nogreaterjoy too? i love the pearls!!!! i don't have much time right now... (i really got to go!) i'll drop by later and leave some notes or stuff, (and by later i mean sunday or monday) 'cause i get to go to my sisters house! wooopy!

At 10/13/2004 10:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

way2many I got to agree with you the pearls are ok on many things...
my sises love them...


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