Saturday, October 30

What They Just Know

Have you ever wondered how a baby just knows stuff? I have observed children my whole entire life, and I have some points I would like to share. I also have some questions.

Why is it that you have to teach a baby that her baby food is good, but somehow she just instinctivly knows that brownie batter is 'yummie'?

Why is it that you have to repeat the word 'yes' over and over for a child to pick up its meaning, but the word 'no' comes naturally?

Why is it that she knows what she wants, before she knows how to express it?

Sometimes a baby will just stare up at the sky and talk softly, with an very calm experssion... you wonder who she's talking to.

Once I asked my six-year-old brother why he thought guys are stronger then girls. He answered very matter-of-factly "Becca, it's because we were made first." And he was right.

God gave people (adults) children because they are honest and kind. Babies have much to teach. The trust they have... we should envy it. Becauase without it we will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

"and said 'Assuredly I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, yuo will by no means enter the kingdom of Heaven. Therefore whoever whoever humbles himself as theis little shild is the greatest on the Kingdom of Heaven. Whoever recieves one little child like this in My name recieves Me."
Matthew 18:3-5


At 10/31/2004 8:16 PM, Blogger erudil said...

I disagree with the baby. Brownie batter is not yummie — it tastes horrid.

At 10/31/2004 8:25 PM, Blogger Charity said...

Oh hush, Nathaniel! ;) That was a really cute post, Becca. :) Haha that is soo funny what your little brother said!!

At 11/01/2004 9:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

a nice picture (well video) of your nice president bush making an obscene gesture. why don't you put that with your other pictures? is this who you want for president?

At 11/01/2004 10:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous, why do you post about the video but not put your name. If you support Kerry then support him openly. If not, why not? If you believe he is the best candidate please tell us why.

Mes. Long

At 11/01/2004 10:37 AM, Blogger Becca said...

sorry that was Mrs. Long

At 11/01/2004 2:42 PM, Blogger Joel and Stacey said...

Very cute post Becca!!

At 11/01/2004 5:08 PM, Blogger CFchampion said...

totally agrre with you! guess what? we have the same name! ain't that cool?
bush rocks!

At 11/01/2004 10:09 PM, Blogger Jeremiah said...

Well, you know there is a theory that has gone around for some time about babies being smarter than adults, but then alot of the smartness fades away so they can learn half of what they already knew as babies when they're in school.

At 11/11/2004 2:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"God gave people (adults) children because they are honest and kind." Children are honest and kind? Really? Are we denying total depravity? Children can be rather cruel...I like children, but let's not romanticize them.


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