Tuesday, January 11

good morning!

How are you all? I am having a good week which is good. On this fine day a eerie fog is gently resting on the dewy grass. The temperature has not decided whether to freeze or to simply almost freeze, and neither have I. Outside my window there is a long lump of snow that has turned a pasty color from exposure to this nasty and dreary world. Other then the small dot of whiteness in our yard there are puddles of old water, the residue of melted snow. The trees have long since had leaves to clothe their dark branches. The grass that usually has changed to a bland brown color by now is very green due to the lack of frost and the abundance of water that is has soaked up in the couple weeks.
Water occasionally drips randomly from the wet limbs of the dark trees and makes a small ripple in the puddle below. The dull Christmas lights that my neighbor has yet to retire are plainly seen in contrast to the gray haze that has settled on our ridge.
You may think that I should be depressed about this, on the contrary I am rather satisfied deep within because of this weather. I love rain, and although this is not necessarily rain, and it most definitely a dreary day I find inner peace. I think it is because of the stark calm that is so evident when you witness this day. To breath in wet air, to feel the lazy wind against my cheeks, and to taste or smell the natural flavor of soggy elements in the atmosphere it is all rather delightful.


At 1/11/2005 11:25 AM, Blogger erudil said...

Great description! A pity we don't have such a picturesque scene; everything here is branches, sawdust, and more branches. Still, just thinking about your perspective does give me a new look at the outside — even though I can hear nothing outside except for chainsaws.

At 1/11/2005 2:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How poetic! You make the ordinary sound so extraordinary and see beauty in things we often look over! Very inspiring!


At 1/11/2005 9:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know exactly what your talking about! I got up at six this morning and Wesley and I jogged the neighborhood in the misty rain and fog. It was so great! I felt so refreshed and happy to be alive. I like weather like this in small doses too! Good post!

At 1/11/2005 10:14 PM, Blogger Jeremiah said...

Well, I don't really think of this kind of weather that way usually. But, you make me think about it more. Sure, I like rain, but it's been so constant, I'm gettin' kinda tired of it. Especially since it just draws the nieghborhood closer to being a lake, and I haven't even moved out yet. lol

What you wrote was very descriptive, and even somewhat poetic. Bravo. *applauds*

At 1/11/2005 10:40 PM, Blogger Becca said...

thank you guys.
*said it classic 'whining high pitched tone'*


At 1/11/2005 10:46 PM, Blogger Jeremiah said...

Really. Now get over it. =P

At 1/13/2005 9:11 AM, Blogger Steve said...

I am getting very tired of the weather. We have not had a good sunny day in a long time.


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