Wednesday, May 12

Concerning my Daily Green Tea Intake

Monday was my 15th birthday, and it was on this very day that my fair cousin Flo and I decided to make a commitment to drink 64 oz. Of GREEN TEA every day for the next YEAR. We equipped ourselves with matching 64oz. Blue insulated mugs. And 80 bags of green tea. This wouldn't be terrible if it weren't for that fact that we don't drink tea like normal people (not that normal people drink 64oz of tea a day but this is besides the point) we pour the whole bag of tea (not one bag mind you, 5 bags) into the water. Which results in a concoction(sp?) of bright green liquid containing pulp-leafy content. "Well Becca look at the bright side, we can relate to the beast of the field." *puzzled look* "...You know this seems to be a lot like chewing the cud." So my cousin and I don't drink 64oz of tea, we chew it.
You may be wondering why a person would deprive themselves this way, the truth is Green Tea is not the second most popular drink in the world for nothing. This stuff protects your skin for disease. It builds up you immune system, and cleans out all the junk that builds up in your digestive track. These are just a few of a whole lists, in Japanese it means 'miracle water.' (I think)


At 5/13/2004 6:18 PM, Blogger Charity said...

Wow, that sounds really gross! :)

At 5/14/2004 6:54 PM, Blogger Jeremiah said...

Okay, I can understand wanting to drink green tea everyday, but chewing it?! Oh my...


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