Thursday, May 20


Over the last several weeks I have been spending time on a computer game Beth got for her 13th birthday. It is quite an excellent game, I remember playing years ago. My problem is that if any one ever dies I quit the game. I just can't go on without all of my people. For those of you that are not familiar to the game I will explain:
the point is to take a wagon across the Oregon Trail, and you get to take as many as five people with you. You can name them, and give them the age you want. Then you have to buy all your supplies, and set off. Typically I buy 6 horse, 18 oxen, a milk cow, one big farm wagon and one small one, tons of food, lots of warm clothes, rifles, fishing rods, etc. And then I head out west. I have actually made only three times. Due to the fact that I can't continue if even one of my people die. Anyways it is a great game.


At 5/20/2004 11:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, I played that game! It was really sad, all of my people died except the dad, so I stopped playing it. :)

At 5/20/2004 12:49 PM, Blogger David Pulliam said...

Wouldn't those dead people want you to go on? They must feel horrible now.

At 5/20/2004 5:12 PM, Blogger David Pulliam said...

It's still fun.

At 5/20/2004 5:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey there's guns, and even if there wasn't its still the coolest game.

At 5/22/2004 9:10 AM, Blogger a soul deranged said...

I played that game. I still have that game. I convenced my little cousin to buy OT3 so I could play it. When they quit playing it. I stole it. Still play it every so often.

At 5/24/2004 1:09 PM, Blogger Anna said...

Oh I know, I always quit the game too! I think it's so sad and I hate how you loose so many points. Which one isn't I think my favorites are 2 and 5.


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