Monday, August 2

the first thing we are going to do:

As the opening event to this group of not-called-a-youth-group-but-what-else-would-you-call-it poeple, I suggest we have a game night to get to know eachother. Sure a lot of us have gone to the same church all our lives but we still don't know eachother that well, these events shall change that. I purpose that the game night shall be held at my house the Firday before school starts for most people, because this date varies, we shall have it August 20, from 6:30-10:00. I am not sure we can hold this event at my house due to the fact that my mom is going to have a baby soon and she may not be up to hosting a party depending on my things. But we have done this before, I mean have a party a couple weeks after a baby is born, and I will be the hostest not her.
Th point of the evening is that everyone brings there favorite game, (card games will be allowed) and then we all hang out and play them. We shall have some group games, like: I never, or capture the flag to start off the evening, and some people can continue in those games but others can go and play things such as Candy Land, or Trouble (one of my nwe found favorites), or catch phrase or something.
People will all have had dinner and but we shal lhave snacks. The guys need to all bring a 2-liter, and/or chips, and the s need to all bring a dessert or snack veggie/fruit thingy.

I will post more information on this at a later time. See ya.


At 8/02/2004 6:37 PM, Blogger erudil said...

I wish we had enough people for this to be a possibility here 8^( But you do have a very good idea.

At 8/06/2004 11:05 AM, Blogger Katie said...

glad to here northside wants to get together


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