Friday, November 12

ever wondered...

Have you ever wondered 'what is the most important thing in my life?' Things are just that, things. We will not take them into Heaven. I ask myself what my top priorities are and I came up with just a few:

First, God. God is the most important Thing in my life.

So I ask myself: 'How do you show that importance?' The answer is easy to say, but incredibly hard to do. The truth is, I should act upon my priorities by talking to Him above all others. I should be concience(sp?) that with every breath I take, every move I make, I am proclaiming the depth of my love for Him. Do I do this? No. Frankly I suck at this. I forget, and move through life without giving much thought to my actions and reactions.

Second, love people. God told me to love people, and that is how I can honor Him.

So I ask myself: 'How do you show people love?' The answer is easy to say, but incredibly hard to do. Lets start with the basics: what is love?

Love is patient.
Love is kind.
Love does not boast.
Love is not rude.
Love does not envy.
Love does not delight in wickeness,
but Love rejoices in the truth.
Love always hopes.
Love never fails.

Do I love people? No. I am one of the most selfish people I know. I forget that I am not here to be served. I am here to serve. Christ loved people.

What are your priorities? Do you live up to what is required of you?

Hey, life is short. We are here for a purpose, and that purpose is to glorify God. So glorify Him. People surround us, they are everywhere. The next time someone ticks you off, take a deep breath and remember what your purpose is, and who you love.

It also helps to remember Who loves you.


At 11/13/2004 10:28 AM, Blogger Charity said...

Wow, Becca, that was again another really good post to make people think!! :-) That's definitely one of your talents. I don't think you are selfish at all, but I'm sure all of us can see ourselves as "one of the most selfish people I know". It is sad that we all forget our purpose for living sometimes. And it can be oh so hard to "rejoice always" and do everything to the glory of God, no matter WHAT it is! I know we should do it 24/7/365, but I think Christmas is especially a good time to step back and think of others more important that ourselves, and most importantly to remember the true love that God showed us through His only Son!

At 11/13/2004 10:39 AM, Blogger erudil said...

Very well laid out. One question: what is the reference for the "Love is patient..."?


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