Wednesday, May 11

A Celebration

It has been exactly one year since my first blog post. I must admit I owe alot to all of those who have commented. I wouldn't have the blog I have today without you. Anyways, I wanted to take a moment to recognize the importance of this day.

Also, today is Keziah's 9 month birthday. Just think, in three months she will be a whole year old. Wow, it seems like so much longer, and it seems like so much shorter of a time that I have known her.

We are one day closer to being in Heaven, and seeing God's face. *huge smile*

I had a great day yesterday. I got my permit. I drove to Baumer's and to Biblestudy last night. It is all every exciting.

Well I owe a lot to a lot of people who made me feel specail and appresiated. Thank you, you know who you are.

Right now I am at work, and I will be here until 5, so that is why I am not working on school at this moment. Anyway, I hope you all have a good week, and I will chat later. Becca.


At 5/11/2005 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Darling! I have to say that the point you made about being one day closer to Heaven and seeing God's face made me the most happy and excited of all your reasons to celebrate. It gives me the chills to think that every second brings me closer to meeting my maker in eternity forever! How awesome is that?

At 5/11/2005 1:50 PM, Blogger Nick said...

Wow, Bekah! Drive Safely and that's pretty cool!

At 5/11/2005 2:09 PM, Blogger SaraY said...

Hey Becca! Watch out more teen driver out there. Actually the business men who are late for work are usually the ones you have to watch out for. They are vicious. Anyway Becca I'm sure you'll be a great driver and have fun!

At 5/11/2005 4:29 PM, Blogger Jeremiah said...

I don't know if I'm one of the people but just incase, you're welcome. heh

At 5/11/2005 8:58 PM, Blogger Steve said...


when you drive just make sure to move along. I must say that if everyone drove like me we wouldn't have any problems with traffic jams. It only takes one slow car to slow everyone down and my advice is to not be that one car...

At 5/11/2005 9:19 PM, Blogger Jeremiah said...

But don't drive too fast either. Go what the speed limit says. I know I should. heh

At 5/11/2005 11:06 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

Hey, congrats!!
Man and I had to miss bible study last night!!
Well I'm very happy for you!!

Love ya,


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