A review of our first performance
Last night was our first performance for the Music Man. Technically it wasn't a performance because it is called an open dress rehearsal. But when you do a dress rehearsal in front of 250 people it is no longer a rehearsal, it's a performance. Anyways I arrived at the U of I at 5:30 sharp, sadly I thought I was right on time, it turns out that we were should have to be there are 4:30ish. So I was late, and they were in the middle of practicing the library sense, (for those of you that haven't seen it that is a scene that I am in, and it involves lots of dancing and concentration.) So Aaron was like, 'hey come and join us.' Anyways so we practiced that for a while, and I felt horrible about being late and stuff, but then Jenny told me that one of the guys has walked in just moments before I did, which made me feel better. Anyways, I spent the next hour and a half dressing myself for the stage, and doing hair for Mary, Laura, and Katheryn. And then Aaron sat us all down and went over the do's and don'ts of performing, prayed with us, and warmed us up. Then the guys started the first scene. And we did the play!!! I wasn't nervous at all on stage. But I am sorta like that. I LOVE being on stage, almost more then anything else. I feel free and happy to be on stage.I didn't get home till 10:00, and I was SO tired. But I got some sleep and woke up this morning to work at Isaac's again. So that is where I am now. But I need to go do some Algebra.
Now we just have two more nights and you all must come.
I would come again if I could! That was a really good performance! Congrats, I thought you did very well! :)
It was really cool. My Mom said it looked "professional"
Way to go! I loved it!! You did a wonderful job!!!!!!
- Stacey
I wish I could've seen it, but it ended up not workin' out. =/
Y'all did great! way to go Becca
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