Saturday, June 3


I am done with my SAT. I feel rather good about the results that I will be getting, but then who really knows what that means. Or should I say Who? He was with me. Oh goodness, it's really awesome when you do something that you don't want to do, just because you know He wants you to do it (and parents might be playing in there somewhere too,) and then when it's over you feel His pleasure.
I got out at 2, and the sky hadn't looked bluer in my entire lifetime. I just wanted to breath in every ounce of His presence. I don't pray enough. This is something I need to change. I don't make a habit of beginning my morning with prayer. Today I did, and even though I spent a total of six and a half hours at Butler waiting for or taking the SAT, I am having one of the better days of my life.
I don't know, it's funny how emotions work out. Someday I want to do a study on all of this, but until then I'm just going to enjoy the gift of joy. There's something truly glorious about doing something just because He wants me to, and then realizing that He is honoring me by filling me with His pleasure. Ya know what I am talking about? Ahh, He finds our service delightful. Don't ask me how or why, but He does.

Come, magnify the Lord with me, let us exalt His name together!


At 6/03/2006 3:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more with your post! I took the SAT today too.
I actually woke up feeling rather peaceful about it the whole thing (which is only by God's grace, cause the days leading up to it I was stressing out)I am so excited to have it all over. It's truly a great feeling!

At 6/03/2006 4:22 PM, Blogger erudil said...

To continue what you wrote:

O magnify the LORD with me;
Let us exalt His name.
In all my fears I sought the LORD;
From Him deliv'rance came.

So good to know that you had a great time at the SAT, and that God delivered you from any fears about it that you might have had.

At 6/05/2006 10:52 PM, Blogger Jeremiah said...

Congrats on finishing and honoring Him! I felt pretty close to the same way you did after it was all over. heh

At 6/06/2006 3:00 AM, Blogger Charity said...

Becca! I'm so glad you are praising the Lord about your SAT! I hope it went as well as you think. :-) God is good. And starting the morning with prayer is something I need to work on, as well. I often just roll out of bed and stumble into the kitchen for breakfast without so much as a half-formed thought...

how was your scrapbooking with Flo??

At 6/06/2006 6:48 AM, Blogger Becca said...

We are having a great time, thank you Charity.


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