Monday, May 22

of life and of wonder

Life is full of surprises. I mean most stuff just happens like normal, and yet there are things that happend that you would never have guessed. The best things, are the things that may have been expected, but exactly what is expected is hard to know. For example, when a gardener plants her seeds in the ground, she has an idea that "forget-me-nots" will come up, but she doesn't know when exactly, and she doesn't know how many, and she doesn't know exactly how they will look either. She just hopes and believes that God will continue to work through the sun, and the rain, and the laws in the earth to bring that little seed through the ground. In comparison when I plan out different things in life and work towards that plan, I don't know exactly when, or how, or what will go on. All I know, is that God is in control. I can search out how He has worked in the past and consider that that may be how He will work again, but I cannot be positive. James reminds us that we must not even say "Tomorrow I will do this and go there..." because we must remember that it is all in God's hands. We don't know what tomorrow will bring. Yet, we can be sure, that for those who trust Him He has more in store than we can imagine. Just like the gardner who so often forgets the wonderous outcome of her labor, so will we be rewarded in His good time.

Today is my parents birthday. Yes, they were born on the same day. Daddy is three years older than Mom. It's fun. Wow, May is going to be over soon, and that means June, and after that is July, and in July I am going to be in New Jersey. I can't begin to explain how excited I am. *Shakes head* It's God amazing? I really wasn't planning on going anywhere this summer. I just didn't feel any great pull. Yet, He led my heart in the direction He willed it to go, and I if God so desires I will be spending most the month of July serving Him and His church. I can't stop smiling about it.

Well, thank you all for being wonderful. Maybe you don't think you are wonderful, but I do. See, I think that our God is wonderful, and since you bear the image of my God I think you are wonderful as well. What a delight it is to know that every human being on this earth has at least one purpose, and that is to bear His image to the world. Abortion is a horrible thing. When a person is killed, God's image is killed.

Love today.


At 5/22/2006 9:09 PM, Blogger Amy Thorne said...

Becca, I'm so glad you get to go to NJ. That will be awesome! What are you doing down there. That is really cool that your parents have the same birthday! Happy birthday, Mr. & Mrs. Long!! I love you so much! I want to see you again soon!!


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