Friday, May 5

of birthdays, dogs, and other such things

Today my littlest brother Sam is 7. I know, he's so old. I have to go get him a present of some sort, and I have yet to decide what he would most like.
We have a new dog. He's a yellow lab and his name is Wilson. I like Wilson, except that he's super huge and if he ever eats anything off the counter... we will not be on good terms. Kez is pretty much Wilson's biggest fan, although my Dad might be tied with her. They both love the dog. Kez likes to ride him. It's really cute. Anyways, don't be alarmed when you come over and there's a massive beast standing in our yard. It's just Wilson.
I just got back from my final at Marian. Oh, I am so excited. Rebekah is done with Marian classes until next fall. It's a reason for great rejoiceing. I felt like both of my finals went really well. I hope that it's not just feeling but actual fact. We shall see.
Ok I have Worldviews stuff to get ready for. Have a great day.


At 5/05/2006 10:50 AM, Blogger erudil said...

It's so good to be done with school for the summer :-)

Wilson makes me think of two things:
• The guy in the Robison-Crusoe-like movie who has the volleyball that he names Wilson.
• My RA this year was Josh Wilson.

At 5/05/2006 12:26 PM, Blogger Ellie said...

I thought of the same thing Nathaniel when I heard "Wilson". I always think of Castaway and of that volleyball. :) Anyway, I will definitely remember not to be alarmed when I see Wilson in your yard. :)

At 5/05/2006 5:34 PM, Blogger Jen said...

eeeek! Huzzah! a new dog :)
I can't wait to meet Wilson the beast

At 5/05/2006 6:17 PM, Blogger Jeremiah said...

Oo, a monster named Wilson that is disguised as a yellow lab. Coolies.

My friend used to have a black lab. His name was buddy and always snuck up on me and put his wet nose on me when I was really focused on something. heh They're great to walk.

Happy B-Day Sam!

At 5/06/2006 10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You do know that letting a child ride on the back of a dog no matter how little the child weighs is bad for the dogs back. If you want a healthy happy dog who is actually able to walk by the time it reaches the age of 3 I would suggest not letting the child ride it

At 5/06/2006 10:23 PM, Blogger Amy Thorne said...

Becca! All sounds great. Hopefully I will see you tomorrow (we are comind down for evening service), I'm so excited!! I love you!!!

At 5/07/2006 12:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I support dog riding. I did it as a child and it was fun!!

At 5/07/2006 4:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There you go perfect logic. "I did it as a child and it was fun" just becouse you did it as a child and had fun with it does not make it right. What if you said i stole cookies out of the cookie jar as a child and had fun with that so go ahead keep stealing cookies. The thing is no matter how much fun you have its still bad for the dog so why don't you try to give me one good reason for abusing a dog. also while the child is on the dogs back she could pull the dogs hair the dog could get mad at her and bite her. Well if you really loveed your little sister and your new dog than you would put and end to this.

At 5/08/2006 1:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stole cookies when I was little and it was fun!

At 5/08/2006 1:45 PM, Blogger Jeremiah said...

1. Who said the dog was 3? And 3 in dog years, or human years?

2. Anonymous does have a point about not wanting Kez to be bitten if something not-so-good happens.

3. Becca always seems to attract the anonymous "man" tryin' to bring her and anyone else siding with her down.

4. If I had a fourth point, it would be put here.

5. A fifth point would go here also.

I myself asked for cookies from the cookie jar, and I easily got them. It was fun!

My cousin also wrecked me on a bike race and I scraped up my face, arms and legs! That wasn't fun!

At 5/08/2006 2:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um someone needs to learn how to read. I never said that the dog was 3 i said by the time the dog reaches the age of 3. Also maybe Becca is good at making enemies.

At 5/08/2006 10:21 PM, Blogger Amy Thorne said...

I love you Becca!

At 5/09/2006 12:39 AM, Blogger Jeremiah said...

Okay then, who said that the dog was younger than 3? The main point still remains...

Perhaps anonymous people need to butt out of other's lives, like Becca's.

Meh, forget this. Sometimes, the best way to get rid of problems, is to ignore them. Not all the time though mind you. This situation is fit for ignoring.

At 5/10/2006 11:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Becca is good at making enemies...her light shines so bright many have a hard time not feeling convicted under it's illumination.

At 5/13/2006 1:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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