Monday, April 24


Hello. It is a new week, and I have been thinking about some stuff. When is it ok to be discouraged in the Christian faith? Or is it ever? Now I am not saying that at this moment in time I am fighting some kind of depression. Actually, today has been a nice day thus far. I guess what I am wondering is, is there ever a time when a Christian should openly admit to having a bad day. Should we try to always appear to be ok even when we are not? Is it somehow wr0ng to talk yourself into being excited just because you feel guilty complaing. In a way there really never is a time where we are not ok. You know what I mean?

I asked a question about Christ's kingship over our emotions in Sunday school class yesterday. Some of you were there. I got an answer, but I still wonder... I think some of it has to do with personality. I would like to know your thoughts.

I guess I tend to try really hard to have a good attitude because when I admit to being discouraged I feel like I am admitting the Devil's victory and that makes me mad. I like to talk myself into looking at life from a postitive perspective rather than just accept that fact that I'm not having a good day. I suppose I wonder... is that wrong. It's the truth that God is good, so I don't think talking and focusing on that is wrong- ever. I just wonder if people need to sometimes admit that they are having a bad day just because it's the truth.

So what do you think?

By the way, I'm having a great day. It really does have everything to do with the fact that God is an awesome God and so very forgiving of my sin.


At 4/24/2006 4:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, taking a look at the Psalms, I would say that it's okay to say that you're having a bad day ...... :) "my bones are groaning all the day . ." The key is to like the Psalmist, look to the Lord for the answer to our bad days. . . because I can almost guarantee that you'll have them. And speaking from experience, trying to act happy when I'm not, leads to a far emptier feeling than when I'm being real with God and others. And I could go on and on about this subject about the need to NOT let emotions rule over you, etc....but I shall stop here :)

A friend :)

At 4/25/2006 7:41 PM, Blogger Jeremiah said...

I've had the same thoughts.


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