Thursday, November 16

what did you say?

I've been recently pondering what it is that I admire in people. I've stumbled upon a truth, and that is that when a person truly listens, that person is admirable. For example when I walk down the street and someone looks up from the sidewalk and says "how are you?" but than stops and looks into my eyes eagerly anticipating the answer, that’s a small act of virtue. Or when a person asks rather obscure questions about a habit or conviction of mine and then draws out a philosophical insight, it is obvious to me that they truly care.

When a Christian truly masters how to listen it is often that they have first mastered how to love. Listening then, is simply the physical implications of their love.

Jesus listens.

I confess that I do not listen the way I should. So very often I will ask a question and then get lost in my own train of thought instead of hearing the answer. It's selfish to be so absorbed in my own thoughts.

Truly there is nothing so empowering and edifying than being convinced beyond the shadow of a doubt that a person is listening. I know that when someone has their eyes gently set on my face that they are listening, and that they care.

To listening is a vital form of compassion, but one that has been almost entirely lost in our culture today. In our effort to be tolerant listening has been cheapened. Now to listen means hearing, or not interrupting someone. Yet, there is so much more to it. Listening can also mean asking a question and then hearing the answer.

I've found that I am more apt to submit to authority when that authority takes the time and care to listen to me. I feel loved and understood, even though I may not agree with the discussion made. I have also found that people are more apt to listen to me, if I set the example and listen to them first. It's a gentle persuasion, but one of the most powerful. It's something that I must grow in.

There is humility in it as well. In a way you are saying, "What you have to say is more important than what I have to say right now." Also, to listen is an act of respect, and the one who listens before he speaks will grow in understanding.

"A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion." Pro. 18:2

Lord, may I grow in understanding. May I love others as I love myself.


At 11/16/2006 9:00 AM, Blogger Kaitlyn said...

Wow, you're post is very timely for me. I have been convicted about not listening to others like I should. Esp. my younger siblings when they want to tell me a story or joke. I get impatient and just want to get back to what I was doing. So, thanks Becca for the reminder :o)

At 11/16/2006 11:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Becca. What a wonderful reminder. :) I absolutely love all of your posts. They're so uplifting! Say, I don't work Thur. but I'll still drive down. I can't wait to spend time with you!!!!!
love, flo


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