Tuesday, October 31

strengths and weaknesses

The history of the world comes down to the lives of people. There are billions of people living, loving, crying, working, laughing, and then dying on this earth. There have been people who are Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, Catholics, Atheist, and Protestants. We all live (have lived) on this earth together. We all disagree (have disagreed) with each other on something. Yet, it has been brought home to me that everyone has weaknesses. The greatest of Patriarchs were utter failures at something’s. The different religions all idolize their saints/gurus, and yet I have noticed that no matter how great the person he has some flaw. Likewise, no matter how great the denomination, there will be flaws.
To be honest with you, this is not old stuff to my little developing brain. A few years ago I didn't recognize the virtues of the Catholic Church for example. I held to the RP doctrine with all my might, and I still do, but with a more gracious spirit (to God be all praise and credit.)

I have gotten to the point where I can look at a Catholic friend and say, "as long as we agree that Christ is our salvation, then I have every reason to believe we will be Heaven together." The emphasis has shifted from truth in understanding, to truth in reality. See, I believe there will be people in Heaven who don't understand the doctrines that Calvin Westminster Confessions articulate so well. The widow who gave her two mites probably didn't understand how it was the Jesus was God, but she believed in the Word, and gave all she had. Jesus praised her. I don't need to cling so tightly to my doctrine that I forget the very King who saved me.

It would be similar to a women getting so focused on the exact outlining of her wedding ceremony that she forgets who her groom is.

Yet, there is another side to the tale. There is also the bride that is so overwhelmed by the decorating of her wedding, that she forgets she is getting married, and the sacredness of the vows (therefore her groom is forgotten as well.) Likewise, there is a danger to get so caught up in the material working out of the Christian life, that the very fact that we are saved by Jesus is forgotten. Also, the sacred truths of theology are dismissed because they are "irrelevant" to the life we live now.

The two extremes are dangerous ones. Many people fall to one side or another. Yet, our Shepard is here to lead the way. When we keep our eyes fixed on Him than we will walk the narrow path.

Please remember that in the end it's about our Lord. No one and no thing can override that truth.


At 11/01/2006 7:47 AM, Blogger Jen said...

Yes we need to be very aware that we don't cut people down simply because we disagree on "non-salvation" doctorines. I don't know if that is the best way to put it, but as you were saying those issues that don't really matter as long as their heart has been changed by God our savior.
I have really had my eyes opened more and more this summer in seeing the great joys and benefits that come from talking and discussing with believers who have different doctorine from myself, and then coming back to... I love you my brother/my sister.


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