Wednesday, October 25


Today my friend Miss Alison from Ireland asked to see pictures of Indiana in fall. So, I set out to capture the beauty of the world with a small machine I call a camera. I have been prancing around searching for the most perfect representations of our lovely land. It's amazing how I have begun to appreciate the colors to a much larger extent since I have adjusted by perspective. The eyes of an ambitious photographer see potential and beauty in the world that miss Rebekah the tired student so often passes by. I do see some lovely things, and then I directly began thanking God for them, so that I never really end up dwelling on the beauty for very long. Now, there's nothing wrong with praising God for the beauty, but I have to say that I should be more eager when it comes to natures beauty. The trees reveal God and His glory.

Thank you Ali for the opportunity.


At 10/25/2006 3:59 PM, Blogger Jessica said...

Yes, autumn is beautiful. I too can appreciate it much more now than I could before-- thanks to my awesome art class in which we did landscapes. That was fun :-). But now it's getting too cold, which stinks because the trees are getting so pretty!

At 10/26/2006 7:58 AM, Blogger Jen said...

I love fall :)
Hey I have a question for you... did you take a picture of the Bird family on Sunday evening? If you did, would you please email it to me? Thank you!!


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