Thursday, April 5

Such a Man

A man who loves God, a man who loves people, a man who loves a challenge not for challenges sake but rather for a greater good, William Wilberforce was such a man. I just watched Amazing Grace and felt ashamed that I didn't know more about the incredible testimony. God selected Wilberforce for a task, placed him in the right situation, and enabled him claim victory.

Slavery is a horrible thing. Yet the people of the time were not convinced. They perceived personal gain and even the lives of human beings became an acceptable sacrifice on the alter of prosperity. Abortion is not unlike slavery in that way. I wrote a paper last semester about slavery vs. abortion. Amazing Grace has inspired me to fight for the unborn until they are protected.

God is on the side of the oppressed.

Men like William Wilberforce give hope. Let us pray to the Lord of the harvest to send workers into the fields. Let us rise up and defend the defenseless. Let us be so overcome with compassion, by doing so we will walk in the footsteps of our Savior.


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