Sunday, May 20

My Speech

I want to say thank you first to the God of Heaven and earth.

He has watched over me everyday since my birth.

I stand here and testify that He is true, and holy and good.

And He has loved the way no one else could.

Jesus Christ is my Savior, my Friend and my King.

He is risen indeed, giving me a new song to sing.

We could go on and on to recall God’s merciful grace.

I hope to grow in love abiding in the light of His face.

I want to say thank you to my father and my mother.

They have given me care counsel and training unlike any other.

My parents have spent more then eighteen years

Providing and enduring amidst the joy and the tears.

They were tools in God’s hands, to teach me of Him.

I will never forget all that they have sacrificially given.

I want to say thank you to my siblings each one.

I can’t count the loving things you’ve said and done.

God has put us all together and we are so blessed.

Even though I don’t always show it and sometimes I’m stressed.

Continue on in the faith, love God, and work hard.

May He send His angels from heaven to watch and keep guard.

I want to say thank you to my friends so dear.

It’s been amazing to have you all so near.

You’ve helped and challenged my faith and my walk.

Thank you for giving your heart and listening when I talk.

I want to say thank you to my teachers for teaching.

It was their example and effort that made my goal worth reaching.

Thank you for the hours of work that you have invested.

I’ve realized that I am stronger since I have been tested.

I want to say thank you to our church, last but not least.

You are beautiful, you are precious and your works have not ceased.

I may be a bit biased but I love to worship with you all.

You have been faithful, and kind, always there when I fall.

I will miss you. I will remember, and the Lord’s name praise.

He has given all these amazing gifts throughout my growing days.

I am moving to Grove City College in the fall of this year.

Your and Christ’s love goes with me, so I shall not fear.

I want to teach History so I can share the glory of His plan.

By pointing to the path that other saints ran.

"Yet evermore I am with Thee,
Thou holdest me by my right hand.
And Thou even Thou my guide shalt be;
Thy counsel shall my way command;
And afterward in glory bright
Shall receive me to thy sight."
Psalm 73

Thank you.

*sob... giggle* I knew I was going to cry, but I tried really hard.

Wednesday, May 2

"Real Facts"

I sat down at the Marian desktop with a armload of research books, a white bag from Walgreens and my overflowing black pull-string backpack. I wanted some order before I began my work. I piled the books on the chair beside me and laid the backpack on the desk. I carefully emptied my Walgreens sack, lining the contents next the PC monitor.
I checked my facebook a decided to open one of my beverages. Snapple Peach Sweet Tea, I fell in love with the drink last summer in New Jersey and compulsively bought it along with an Arizona Sweet Tea, Vanilla Frappuccino, Doublemint gun, and a Midnight Milky Way (which means dark chocolate *yum*) Yes, I am going to be up a while. I opened the glass bottle and looked under the lid. The "Real Fact" was numbered 330 and said, "The top of the Empire state building was originally built as a place to anchor blimps." I was so amused by this fact that it inspired me to go to and look up some more:

#25 The only food that doesn't spoil is honey.

#335 "Way" is the most frequently used noun in the English language.

#225 Tennessee banned the use of a lasso to catch fish.

#222 The act of chewing an apple is a more efficient way of staying awake than caffeine.

#339In the U.S., all interstate highways that run east to west are even-numbered.

#223 Mt. Everest has grown one foot over the last 100 years.

#224 The first typewriter was called the "literary piano."

#221 A tune that gets stuck in your head is called an "earworm"

#336 You exhale air at 15 m.p.h.

#335 75% of people wash from top to bottom in the shower.

#42 Frogs can't swallow with their eyes open.

#51 Borborygmi is the noise that your stomach makes when you are hungry.

#118 Hawaii is the only U.S. state that grows coffee.

Now, I am using this research for school (journal) purposes, but I should get back to some real work.