Wednesday, May 26

A controversial issue

Monday night my cousin James Faris, who also happens to be my pastor, brought to my attention a very controversial issue. He pointed out the difference between the sports swimming, running and the like, and basketball, football, tennis, etc. He proceeded by saying although swimming and running are 'real' sports, they really aren't as real as ball-sports. He supported this by saying that you race against the clock, and there is no real satisfaction in that. For when you are playing a ball sport you can say make a score, or a good move. This, according to James brings real satisfaction. Anyways what do you think?


At 5/26/2004 12:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree to some point......
When you race against the clock you are also racing against yourself as well as others.(For me I get great satfication knowing I beat my time from before.)
But when you are playing a ball game, you are not against yourself but totally against the other player(s). (And though you may get satfication from wining its not nearly as nice.)

At 5/26/2004 2:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think he is totally off base. Just because the Faris kids don't care for the water does not mean it is not a "real sport". Few sports take as much conditioning and endurance as swimming. And you very much race against the people in the other lanes. And you do score points for your team if you finish in the top 6. There are plenty of good moves in swimming. You just have to appreciate the sport to appreciate the moves. James needs to perch because he has a tendency to make broad statemants based on his feelings on a matter not facts. Aunt Debby

At 5/26/2004 5:18 PM, Blogger David Pulliam said...

James has no bases for his arguement. Sports are not definded by using a ball. James doesn't know the true satisfaction of sports. His childhood obviously was restricted to the land. jk
Swimming is a sport because your whole body is working out, and you're trying to reach a goal and same as running. That is what sports is all about. Reaching your goals.

At 5/27/2004 11:01 PM, Blogger Josh said...

I don't know. Ball sports have the instant gratification if you make good moves, but running, especially long-distance, brings a deeper more lasting gratification. When you run 13 miles you get to the point where you can't feel your legs, you just look down and see them moving. It is really cool to go farther than your body says is possible and cross the finish line. (even if you are beat by a 9 year old girl)


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