Saturday, October 30

What They Just Know

Have you ever wondered how a baby just knows stuff? I have observed children my whole entire life, and I have some points I would like to share. I also have some questions.

Why is it that you have to teach a baby that her baby food is good, but somehow she just instinctivly knows that brownie batter is 'yummie'?

Why is it that you have to repeat the word 'yes' over and over for a child to pick up its meaning, but the word 'no' comes naturally?

Why is it that she knows what she wants, before she knows how to express it?

Sometimes a baby will just stare up at the sky and talk softly, with an very calm experssion... you wonder who she's talking to.

Once I asked my six-year-old brother why he thought guys are stronger then girls. He answered very matter-of-factly "Becca, it's because we were made first." And he was right.

God gave people (adults) children because they are honest and kind. Babies have much to teach. The trust they have... we should envy it. Becauase without it we will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

"and said 'Assuredly I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, yuo will by no means enter the kingdom of Heaven. Therefore whoever whoever humbles himself as theis little shild is the greatest on the Kingdom of Heaven. Whoever recieves one little child like this in My name recieves Me."
Matthew 18:3-5

Friday, October 29

"And you will be hated by all for My name's sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved."
Matthew 10:22

Thursday, October 28

many things to talk of

I was pondering recently why we are really here. Why are we here? To what end? And when it comes down to our real purpose, how many people in this world have it all firgured out? Where are the answers?

I was prompted to such thinkings by recalling the many wars our people have lived through. By our people I mean the brothers and sisters of ours, in the name of Christ. There is so much torture, and so mcuh blood shed. To what end?

Jesus said that people hated Him; and they did. He contined by saying people are going to hate us. They are going to hate us because we do what is right. They are going to hate us because they are jealous of our love, and goodness. They are going to hate us because we don't hate Him. To this end, we are called. To be hated.

"Take up your cross daily and follow Me."

What an End.

Tuesday, October 26

work??? Posted by Hello

their wives Posted by Hello

Do you need some help picking the man for whom you shall vote? Here are some pointers.

a picture speaks a thousand words Posted by Hello

how romantic Posted by Hello

 Posted by Hello

Lord of the Rings
what's your favorite?

"what about second Breakfast?" Posted by Hello

"round here he's known as Strider." Posted by Hello

Hobbiton Posted by Hello

friends- carefree and happy (he's so cute) Posted by Hello

love Posted by Hello

"A pint? I want one." Posted by Hello

"what must I do?" Posted by Hello

Sam Posted by Hello

Samwise Posted by Hello

Strider Posted by Hello

Sam fighting Shelob Posted by Hello

Aragorn Posted by Hello

"The wound will never fully heal... he'll carry it the rest of his life." Posted by Hello

Frodo and Gandulf at the counsel Posted by Hello

"You have a stout heart little hobbit, but that will not save you." Posted by Hello

Sam and Frodo at Mount Doom "I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you, come on Mr. Frodo." Posted by Hello

Frodo and Sam "I thought seeing as how you're on the mend, we'd be off soon. Off home." Posted by Hello

Frodo at Biblo's (and his) birthday party *so happy* Posted by Hello

Legolas Posted by Hello

Pippin, Sam and Frodo at a table in Bree Posted by Hello