Tuesday, March 8

I am happy and I dont' know why

I think I will write a book entitled I am happy... and I don't Know Why. Subtitled A reason to be excited about the little things. People need to be happy. Just excited about God, and the privilage to serve Him. That is more then reason enough to be happy. *sigh* I just sometimes get so fusterated with this world. We are doom and gloomers, because if we learn anything before we die it's that being let down hurts more then just about anything. Therefore the logical conculsion is to always be down, to not expect anything better, then the pain will lessen.

The truth is, the joy in smiling, so fully exceeds the security of frowning that it's not worth it. The Holy Spirit fills us. People, everyday people, should look at us, hear a word we speak or come in quick contact with our world and be intreged (sp?) and awed at the sheer peace and love that overwhelms our very beings.

*big smile* If someone asked me how I was right now. I would tell them I am happy. And then I would giggle and smile at them really big. I would say "you know, there really isn't a reason for me to be happy, in fact I could give you an endless list of how horrible my life is right now, but you know what? I can't help but be happy, and excited about my life, I am a Christian, and that means I am loved."

It woud awesome to have the courage to really say that to a total stanger. Guys, can you pray that I will have an oppertunity tomorrow to say that to someone? I really really want to.

See ya later!


At 3/09/2005 12:57 AM, Blogger Jeremiah said...

I'd say, this time it's really you talkin', and not the coffee yes? heh

Tiss good to be happy. Does good like a medicine. A sour spirit drieth up the bones.

At 3/09/2005 8:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post Becca. I must admit that I sometimes forget to be happy and joyful in the harder times of life...like this hectic school week that I am having. But our real joy should not change depending on our circumstances but rather increase despite them, knowing that we have a much greater hope that can conquer the feelings of frusterations in our lives. It is such a wonderful God that we serve, who not only provides us with joy but also things throughout the day that make us happy, like this bright sunny morning or fun time with friends.

At 3/09/2005 8:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post Becca. I must admit that I sometimes forget to be happy and joyful in the harder times of life...like this hectic school week that I am having. But our real joy should not change depending on our circumstances but rather increase despite them, knowing that we have a much greater hope that can conquer the feelings of frusterations in our lives. It is such a wonderful God that we serve, who not only provides us with joy but also things throughout the day that make us happy, like this bright sunny morning or fun time with friends.

At 3/09/2005 8:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post Becca. I must admit that I sometimes forget to be happy and joyful in the harder times of life...like this hectic school week that I am having. But our real joy should not change depending on our circumstances but rather increase despite them, knowing that we have a much greater hope that can conquer the feelings of frusterations in our lives. It is such a wonderful God that we serve, who not only provides us with joy but also things throughout the day that make us happy, like this bright sunny morning or fun time with friends.

At 3/09/2005 8:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post Becca. I must admit that I sometimes forget to be happy and joyful in the harder times of life...like this hectic school week that I am having. But our real joy should not change depending on our circumstances but rather increase despite them, knowing that we have a much greater hope that can conquer the feelings of frusterations in our lives. It is such a wonderful God that we serve, who not only provides us with joy but also the stomach or pancreas can cause ulcers. Peptic ulcers are not caused by stress or eating spicy food, but these can make ulcers worse.ke ulcers worse.

At 3/09/2005 8:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post Becca. I must admit that I sometimes forget to be happy and joyful in the harder times of life...like this hectic school week that I am having. But our real joy should not change depending on our circumstances but rather increase despite them, knowing that we have a much greater hope that can conquer the feelings of frusterations in our lives. It is such a wonderful God that we serve, who not only provides us with joy but also things throughout the day that make us happy, like this bright sunny morning or fun time with friends.

At 3/09/2005 8:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoa! sorry about all those,don't know how that happened...

At 3/09/2005 8:48 AM, Blogger Becca said...

Your wisdom, Jeremiah, I sense comes from a Higher Power? =)

Thanks for your eagerness to post Kate. jk.

Have a great day everybody

At 3/09/2005 2:53 PM, Blogger Jeremiah said...

Could very well be... lol

At 3/10/2005 5:40 PM, Blogger Steve said...

You write your book.


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