Monday, February 13

an update

In my earlier post I informed you all that my great grand-mother was on her death bed. Thank you for your prayers and concern. It means a lot. We were all surprised to find her sitting in her hospital chair energetically smiling when we walked in the door. Mama, (that is what we call her) is in a very healthy condition. She has suffered physical trials, but God has seen fit to restore her to health and she is going back to live in her home, by herself, tomorrow. It's amazing.

It was really good to see her. God has given me a great heritage. She looked very weak today, but she never complained. In fact, all she spoke of was the blessings God has given her. It was really encouraging. Seriously, if she can do that with all she has been through at 94, than surely I a young nerd of 16 can try.

It's funny how the reality of death changes my perspective on life. I really want to spend a couple weekends this spring helping Mama out. She lives by herself, and she has for decades. I don't respect my elders the way I should. She was talking today about college during the depression, and how I need to realize the oppertunities I have to get a degree to help people. She suggested nursing or teaching, and then pointed out that if I was a nurse I would fall in love with a brilliant doctor and "that would be so fun!" *nervous laugh*

Oh, life is too short to be so focused on me. I must break out of this box. I must face my fears. I must make strides toward the great goals of Christ's Kingdom. I must stop hoping in what the future may hold, and rather determine to make the present count as blessing to our God. I must endure the small hardships of life with meekness and faith. I must learn from the saints that walk before me. I must fix my eyes on Jesus and continue to draw my strength from Him. I must show compassion to all. I must use discernment in my words. I must remember that I am a daughter of the King.

In my private worship this week I found an amazing part of Scripture. The people of Israel are freaking out because the Egyptians are coming after them with swift and cruel chariots. They have just been freed from salvery, and they see the army coming and they cry outwith great distress. Then...:
"Moses said to the people,
'Fear not,
stand firm,
and see the salvation of the LORD,
which He will work for you today.
For the Egyptians whom you see today,
you shall never see again.
The LORD will fight for you,
and you have only to be silent."
Exodus 14:13-14

When I freak out about life, when school seems to overwhelm, and I get too concerned about all the things that lie ahead, this is what I must remember:
God says to me,
Rebekah, fear not.
Stand firm.
And see the salvation of the LORD.
He will work it out for you today.
The enemy/impossibilities you see before you today
you shall never see again.
The LORD will fight for you.
You just need to be quiet.

As you know, God split the sea in half to fulfill His promise to His people.

What an awesome God we serve.


At 2/14/2006 12:50 AM, Blogger Jeremiah said...

Praise God! ^_^! He is truly awesome and never ceases to amaze me! What an awesome almighty Father we have!

What a lovely grand-mother you have. heh

God parted the Red Sea. He gave His people manna and quale to eat. He gave them water from a rock. If He can do all this, then surely he can take care of our needs.

Also, think of this. God knows when a sparrow falls. He knows how many hairs we have on our head. If He knows of the smallest details, just think of what He knows about us.

Isn't He too great for words?!


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