Thursday, January 26


*The reflection of Becca's hugest smile is popping around in your brain and now you come to realize after a few seconds that it's not necessarily normal to be greeted with such energy before seven in the morning.*

I am trying to be pumped. It's all a choice you know. All I have to do is determine to be excited about life and all that God as in store for me this day. Yesterday I didn't do a very good job of that. It just was not a very wonderful day. I spent the morning reminding myself of basic things like "ok now you need to put your right sock on Becca." Yeah, I talk to myself the most when I need verbal direction from someone and the only person there is myself. It's ok, that's not the way it was this morning.

See, I have been waking up earlier. Two mornings in a row I aroused myself before 5:15 just to do school *bug eyes popping out* I know, I can't believe it either. It's good for me though. Except I don't think it was good yesterday because I felt sickish most the day. Today I feel a bit better, and I am getting a lot of stuff done. It's great.

Ok, don't let my moods fool you. I am always fine. Really, it's all in what I try to remember.

Love is pushing itself out of my soul in effort to reach yours. That's the cool thing about love, it's impossible to keep to myself. The very nature of love is a concern and compassion for other people, not me.

*The reflection of Becca's smile encourages you as you face this day for God.*


At 1/26/2006 12:03 PM, Blogger Jeremiah said...

*pops into head* Way to go!

Have a blessed day. Glad you feel better.

Yes, we are always fine... No, always great when we have God. =D

At 1/26/2006 8:13 PM, Blogger erudil said...

I couldn't get up at 5:15 if I wanted to — others in the hall go to bed late enough that I'd never get to sleep at a decent hour for getting up at that time.

At 1/26/2006 9:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"A Maidservant of Christ Jesus" is a nice name, but I like "Daughter of the King" better.

At 1/26/2006 11:24 PM, Blogger David Pulliam said...

Sleep is a good thing, though it is a side affect from not having enough caffiene.

At 1/27/2006 8:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for the encouragment Becca!

At 1/29/2006 4:41 PM, Blogger erudil said...

I'm glad that you wake up early better than I do...


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