Thursday, January 12

good morning

The earth has yet to be greeted by the suns gentle caress on this day. I had forgotten how desperately dark it gets on these winter nights. Remember how in the summer time it's pretty much looking like noon day around 7, but now, the darkness seems to be felt. I don't mind though, firstly a dark morning makes me feel like I got up extra early which always makes me feel productive because that means that I am a good student. More importantly, there's something really beautiful about nightness. It seems creation is more willing to "be still and know that He is God," at night.

I was finishing up C. S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters last night, and something the demon said to another demon in passing made me ponder, "You will often envy the humans' compassity to sleep." It is a gift isn't it. Now, this book is not fool proof, so I don't know if the devils actually do envy us, but the concept is fascinating. God, before the fall of man, intended for us to sleep. In fact woman was brought into being because of a deep and dream danced sleep. It's a gift, and I don't thank Him enough for it. I mean, sometimes I wish that I didn't need to sleep. Here again is my forgetfulness, because He made me the way He wanted me to be. No, I am by no means claiming perfect, if you have been around me for more than a second and a half you will be completely convinced in the total depravity of man (or woman in this case). What I mean is that, though I am sinful, I still bear His holy image. I don't know, it just seems that God takes pleasure in watching His children sleep, because He made us to do so, and He is our Father. Parents love watching their children sleep peacefully. It's almost as if that is the moment when we, wheather we like/know it or not totally depend on Him and His care. True, He is in just as much control when we are awake or sleeping, but the cares and worries of this world are gone. We surrender, and for a moment retire from our duties and challenges to rest and give it all to Him for a while.

Well, that's all a new idea, and it sounds right, but I am sure you could shot it down with this argument or that one. That's not the point though, I just wanted to say that it's in the odd things like sleep that I forget to thank my God for.

I have some papers to get done for Mr. Pulliam's writing class. I will chat with you all later.


At 1/13/2006 9:12 PM, Blogger Jeremiah said...

Sleep is a wonderful gift from God. We grow and our bodies repair while we sleep. God is amazing.

At 1/14/2006 2:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

do you mean 'capacity'?

At 1/14/2006 1:03 PM, Blogger Becca said...

I did. As you can tell I often post before reading over my writings. I apologize for all the countless mistakes that you as readers have to put up with on my blog.
Please forgive me. It was a careless mistake.

At 1/14/2006 7:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a full moon tonight. Readers of this blog should take notice.


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