Friday, January 6

Beauty and the Beast

Last night my friend Laurie and I watched the Beauty and the Beast performance at Marian. It was well done, and very inspiring. It really got me back on my feet. This week has been kind of wild, and watching my absolute favorite story played out on stage was good medicine for my little heart.

I was so happy when it was over I ran to my car singing "Tale as Old as Time..." softly so that no one would hear me and think I was homeschooled. I love that story. Naturally as I sat there I pondered the reason for my devotion to the fairy tale. I think some of it has to do with the truth of it. There are countless parallels between Beauty and the Beast and Christ's Kingdom story.

Consider how it took one sin, one wrong deed and the prince was doomed to a life of utter depravity. Not only did he fall but his entire kingdom with him. Adam too sinned only once, and yet all in his kingdom fell from the royalty we were created in.

Also, the concept of Belle's dreamy heart appeals to any girl. She wants something beyond her life at present. Yet, and this play was the first time I made this connection, she learns at the castle that she must become content in her surroundings before she is every truly happy with life. It's a biblical lesson. Only when we learn to trust the Father with where we are now do we have the ability to enjoy the life we live.

Finally the concept of unconditional love is really the main point of the story. Its soul startling to watch as a beautiful girl learns to love a wrenched beast. Belle first loved her father enough to sacrifice her freedom for his, and that is very admirable. Then as time goes on, in love she forgives the beast, and he learns to love her as well.

We should be careful to make parallels between Christ and a girl in a Disney movie, but in a very small and pale way she was like Him. Belle loved the beast when he was ugly and rough. He was not the man he was made to be, but rather a cruel beast. Like him we too are not the men and women we were first made to be, but are fallen and sinful creatures with no hope of returning to our royal name unless love covers our sin. Like Christ, it was only Belle's love that could break the spell. When she loved him, he was transformed into a prince. When Jesus loves us we are transformed into the Children of God. It's really cool to think about.

Anyways the movie is amazing. I adore it. Most of you are prolly aware of that and have maybe even seen the film with me. Some of you are so obsessed with it yourselves that you have gone to see it in the IMAX with me or something else of that nature. Every little girl likes a love story, but this one is different than any other. This one is a love that transcends beauty, and that is powerful love.

I have had a good morning thus far, but I have things to work on. Have a wonderful week end. Remember to learn to love the beast. You never know you might be ministering to angels unawares. Which reminds me of a totally new point, in the very beginning when the beast turned that beggar woman away, she was sorta like an angel. The Bible says we need to kind to everyone because they might be angels. Anyways, I just thought of that.

"Oh, what manner of love is it that the Father lavished on us, that we should be called the Children of God?"
I John 3:1


At 1/06/2006 6:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what did it inspire you to do?

At 1/07/2006 8:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

*deep sigh*

I love that story...

...but you already know that.

Thank you so much for last night. It was very encouraging to me, and definitely fun!

I love you!

At 1/09/2006 11:22 PM, Blogger Jeremiah said...

Well done. I enjoyed reading that. As Margaret, you are very insightful.


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