Sunday, December 11

Happy Birthday Jerusha Gracie

My baby sister is four today. I remember so well the day she was born. I stayed up really late waited for Mom and Dad to call us from the hospital. They called at 4:00 am and I was so excited. I hadn't had a new little sister in eight years and Gracie follows a line of four boys in our family.

I love my sister. She has quite the attitude. Her long lashes and rosebud lips are abosultly charming. She loves pretty dresses and bows in her hair. Almost every evening when I tuck her into bed and she'll ask to hear a story about castles and princesses. Jerusha is a very smart girl, and I'm eager to discover what will come of her energized life.

I pray for her. On this her 4th birthday I wish to write a small ode to little Rusha Grace:

Dearest Rushie with your eyes so blue,
I wish you success in all that you do.
You seek to inspire a sense of wonder
in those around who you are under.
You love to laugh and dance and sing.
You delight in the beauty of everything.

Dearest Rushie with your eyes so blue,
Enjoy your cute dress and candy too.
Don't ever stop loving life Rusha Grace
and someday when we see His face
not only will we honor and adore
but we will laugh and love forevermore.

Dearest Rushie with your eyes so blue,
I can't even explain how much I love you.
Happy fourth birthday my little one.
Gracie, I hope that you have lots of fun.
Thank you for gently reminding me.
that it's the faith of a child that sets a soul free.



At 12/12/2005 1:14 AM, Blogger Jeremiah said...

What an excellent B-Day Ode. Happy B-Day Rusha!

At 12/12/2005 11:02 AM, Blogger Charity said...

She is adorable. But you're right that she sometimes has her little attitude. ;-) Happy birthday, Rushie!

At 12/12/2005 1:36 PM, Blogger Ellie said...

That "ode" is beautiful Becca!


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