Friday, December 1


"Becca, Becca, Bec-caaaaaa!" Says Kez as she comes running towards me. Her arms open wide and she smiles with excitement. As I wrap her in a hug she lays her head instinctively on my shoulder, and I rock her for a moment. A glance at the clock makes my heart sink. I have to be at class. I have to leave now. "*Sigh* Kez, Beccca has to go to school." She looks up at me. Her finger lodged in her mouth (something she does for comfort.) "I know. I'll miss you too. Here, go to Anna." Keziah reluctantly is passed to Anna's waiting arms, and I grab my keys. Her cries are too hard to ignore. I dash back in the room, "Hey, I love you, and I'll be back soon." Tears stream down her little face, "ggec-caaa *sob*" I pick her up quickly, and whisper in her precious ear, "What are you going to do when I really leave baby? I won't be here for much longer." As if to comprehend the pain of our semi-permanent parting her grip tightened around my neck. "I've got to go Darling." Anna tried to console her, as I walked out to the car. Tears filled my eyes as I slipped the keys into the ignition. "Saying goodbye is so hard Jesus." He knew what I meant. He knew that He needed to hold me as I imagined the pain moving out next year.

Last night after I got home from school and babysitting Keziah was already in bed. I decided that I would slip into my PJ's and sleep right in-between her and Jerusha on their double bed. I'm sure it won't be the last time I snuggle up beside my baby sisters and rest in the knowledge of God's perfect plan.


At 12/07/2006 1:16 AM, Blogger Charity said...

total sweetness. Missing is a hard thing, but it tends to make the missed things more precious. I think it's easier to count your blessings when they're harder to reach.

At 12/07/2006 2:27 AM, Blogger Becca said...

You're right Charity.


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