Monday, June 28


We safely returned from ECHO, praise be to God. we actually got back Friday at 2:00, but I have had such a jam backed schedule that I haven't written until now... sorry. But as you all have probably guessed blogging is not my first priority, and it shows at times such as these.
I had a INCREDIBLE time at ECHO. I can't really describe it. Our team bounded surprisingly well, I honestly didn't think we would all get along but we really had a blast together.
The work was hard, really hard, I plan to post some of my journal entrees for Mr. P's class, from which you can find out all of what we did but for now I will just say I loved it.
The Flies, beetles, fire ants, mosquitoes, big fat bugs, horrible creatures, were all TERRIBLE. I every creeping/flying thing with such a passion that I slaughtered everyone in sight. Cindy was my faithful comrade and we were followed by many others. Ever night I would have 'bug announcements', in which we would applaud those whom had killed the most bugs. In fact in our room we had a spider who was the most brilliant spider I know because he built his web on the EXIT sign on the door, and so when the lights were all out the bugs would fly to the it sign right, and get caught in his web. He was beating us all, but by the end of the week he had gone visit his sick mother or something because we were eaten alive at night.
Well I have a TON of work to do for Mr. P's writing class, so I have to get off. see you guys later.


At 6/29/2004 6:43 AM, Blogger erudil said...

You mean you didn't LIKE fire ants??!!!

I wish we'd had such a spider in our room.

At 6/29/2004 12:19 PM, Blogger David Pulliam said...

We didn't have very many bugs in our room. I guess they couldn't stand the smell. lol

At 6/29/2004 2:58 PM, Blogger Charity said...

Awww I miss you Becca!!!! And all of ECHO! :(


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