Thursday, July 28

a mental complex

This morning, I am like heading out the door at 6:25 and the air was chilly. I am dead serious I was tempted to turn the heat on in my car. How freaky is that?! Whereas, just 2 days ago even at 6 in the morning the atmosphere was so humid and warm I was like hardly able of breathing due to warm wet air clogging all passageways. I don't know about this weather situation it's seems a little suspicious to me.

Ok well I will be having the same work day today as I did yesterday. That is working from 6:30-12ish with the boys, and then heading over to Chick-fil-A around 1:30 and staying there until 8. I may be missing Biblestudy, I have not decided how to work that all out. We shall see though.

Something else I realized this morning is how very much I hate getting up. I don't mind so much being awake, rather the arousing myself from sleep. I just aboslutly hate it. Yes there is a difference. It's that feeling that your body is wanting to ignore the alarm or whatnot, but you are still unconscience enough that you are dreaming, and... oh man the will power it takes to make myself wake up is just unreal. Thought I would share that with you. Because I find that being up in the morning really starts me off at a good pace for the day and it's very beneficail to my attitude and such. Often times my most productive days were due to the determination to get out of bed at a earlier hour. I still hate waking up though.

The boys are not up yet. This is perfectly ok by me even though it almost never happens. Often they will both be watching me when I open the door. I am all for kids being asleep. My mom used to make us go to bed around like 7 every night. That is a little extreme except that I may find myself doing the same thing if I ever have more than like 3 kids.

Ok well I may be checking in with you all later. Have a great summer day.


At 7/28/2005 9:15 AM, Blogger erudil said...

I much prefer the warmer weather of last weekend.

At 7/29/2005 12:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I won. Ne-ner-ne-ner-ne-ner

At 8/01/2005 9:03 AM, Blogger Charity said... was crazy how hot it was then how cold it was! I actually wore my jacket at detasseling, not because I am supposed to wear long sleeves in the fields, but because I was cold!

At 8/01/2005 11:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 8/01/2005 5:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lukeee says:


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