Wednesday, July 27

a rainy morning

Hello all. As you know I am not normally this perky at 7 in the morning but alas I awoke myself at an unearthly hour in order that I many watch Mr. Isaac and Mr. Andrew this morning. There mother is not here today, which makes things less complicated on my part. Actually thus far it has been a peaceful day. Isaac and I made pancakes, and Andrew is due for his cereal and his nap shortly.

Anyways, I have not been posting much lately. I sorta go on his and lows you know? I mean, it depends on a whole bunch of things, and I am sorry you all have to deal with it. I do better in the school year because I am sitting at the computer so much more. In the summer it's hard to stay focused when there's so much to do outside and such.

I discovered something. A couple weeks ago I was thinking about how very much I was dreading this next school year and all it had in store. I wanted to just be done with 11th grade and move on. God corrected my attitude and now I am fired up about all that He has set before me to accomplish this year. There is so much in store for me to learn and to be molded from. I realized that school often isn't simply for smartness. It also builds character. When I look at schoolwork from a moral right and wrong standpoint I get really motivated to do my assignments with excellence. Who's with me?!

Ok the coolest part about that whole converstation is that school doesn't start for a few more weeks yet. Very exciting to me, no matter what I say about how good it is.

Ok I am going to get back to the boys. Have a great day everyone. Live well.


At 7/27/2005 11:08 AM, Blogger Charity said...

It's easy to get 'down' when thinking about the summer ending and the school year starting. But when we think of schoolwork as the job God's given us to do (and do well! :-)) at this point in our lives, it's kind of motivating. I'm always kind of excited about new classes and such at the end of summer/beginning of school year, but I need to work on keeping that attitude throughout the entire school year. This school year will be kind of different because we'll prolly be leaving after the 1st semester, but I still need to do it all for God's glory. Alrighty, that's my "two cents". ;-)

At 7/27/2005 1:23 PM, Blogger Ellie said...

Yeah I know exactly how you feel about school Becca. Last year I was excited to go back to school, but this summer has gone by so fast! Anyway your post encouraged me! :) Love you -

At 7/27/2005 4:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, I think you mean "highs" not "his"

At 7/27/2005 4:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know what really builds the most character? Taking classes in areas that you struggle with even when you really don't want to. For example: taking Physics this fall would be really good for you. You say you struggle with math. Well, physics has a fair bit of math. However, it is a very interesting and useful real world subject. I think you would be benefited greatly by taking Phsyics.

Almost all high schoolers take it. If you get your schedule worked out right and take the necessary classes, you probably could take classes at IUPUI or something your senior year like I did. It was an excellent experience. I gained a lot of wisdom and direction from my experiences there.

Anyhow, point is you really should pray and to find out if it is God's will for you to take Physics. He gave us an awesome creation and you should be interested in understanding how it all works.

At 7/28/2005 7:54 AM, Blogger Becca said...

I may be taking physics this year John, only God knows.


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