Wednesday, June 14

Sisters and Funness

I just got back from a wonderful time of sisterness. Beth and Jacob got home from ECHO around dinner time and then the three of us older girls went out for some stuff. We picked out a color to paint our room and we all actually agree! It is a great thing when three sisters can agree on a color for their room. Anna, Beth and I have some different opinions about just about everything, but tonight we were just getting along like... the best friends that we are.
Oh I thank God for my sisters. They are the best and I just love them like none other, and I am going to miss them so so much when I am gone next month. I'm not just talking about the older girls now, the baby girls are the best as well. Sometimes I just think about how blessed I am to have four sisters. The cool thing about sisters is that we will always be best friends. See, in life friends come and go as you change and grow up, but sisters are always there for you. We face life as a team, and it doesn't always seem like we are united, but when push comes to shove we would give our lives for eachother.
Well, it's been a great day. I hope that it will be an even better evening. Beth and Anna need their hair cut, and I am going to go do that now. Oh I am so excited. Life is so full, and God is so good. I really mean that. There are just moments in life where my whole being just feels the goodness of God. It's a awesome thing to be His child. We don't thank Him enough. Let our love be genuine. Let's show the world who we are and Who we serve. Let us live life as a song of praise to our God, and let's pray that people will recognize the tune, and maybe sing along.
Alright, Anna's calling. *Smile of farewell*


At 6/15/2006 9:34 PM, Blogger Amy Thorne said...

You are the greatest, Becca! I thank God for you so often.

At 6/21/2006 3:09 AM, Blogger Charity said...

I love my sisters! I know what you mean about it being the best 'cause you'll always be friends with your sisters. I find that really comforting!

Did you cut Beth's hair, too??


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