Wednesday, August 30

Alison and Lexie, I love you.

It has been a wonderful week. Alison and Lexie are here, and we are having an incredible time. I love being with them. They have met my family and some friends, and it's been really cool to just hang out.

Alright I've been thinking and I have a challenege for you: everytime that you interact with other people today (no matter how small, whether it be a passing glance on the sidewalk or a short conversation at the check out,) look right into the persons eyes and smile. Don't give a half-hearted smile. Give them a real smile. A deliberate smile means: I'm thinking about you. I care about you. You are made in the image of God. You need to see the joy there is/can be in life. I'm living for Jesus, here's one of His smiles.

People, life is full of choices. Don't decide to live for yourself today. Let's live for God. Let's live for Him with all our heart. Let's love people, even in the smallest of ways. Yeah, the guys at school might think you're on the strange side when you catch their eye and then smile, but Jesus will be pleased. It's the small kindnesses that make all the difference, and the hardest of hearts are softened with love.


At 8/30/2006 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We love Him because He first loved us."
Have a blast with Lexie and Alison!

At 8/31/2006 3:46 PM, Blogger erudil said...

Pardon, but who are they?

At 9/01/2006 5:25 PM, Blogger Katie said...

That sounds like I challenge I will definately try to apply!

At 9/01/2006 10:54 PM, Blogger Charity said...

I'm glad you're having/had such a great time with your friends! I try to smile and say hi to people when I walk by them on the sidewalk and stuff. Sometimes they smile back, sometimes they just walk past. But I think either way, it's nicer than just walking past them myself.


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