Thursday, August 10

As of Today I am having Surgery Tomorrow

Hello, we just got back from Chicago. I thoroughly enjoyed hanging out there with my wonderful family. While we were there my doctor called and asked me if I was willing to get my four wisdom teeth extracted tomorrow. I was scheduled for next week, but there was a slot open, so plans have changed.

I am not really nervous right now, but please pray for me. Thanks.

On the way home I read an amazing passage of Scripture:

“Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God, and everyone who loves the Father loves whoever has been born of Him.” I John 5:1

It’s so simple. When we’re Christians we love each other. We really really love each other, because we are His. We all are His. Let’s try harder to love “whoever has been born of Him.”


At 8/10/2006 11:17 PM, Blogger Ellie said...

You are so in my prayers!

At 8/11/2006 12:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll be thinking of you. Having wisdom teeth out is no fun! But in my own experience, it wasn't half as bad as people make it out to be. Just a nuisance cause you can't eat normally. Be praying that it goes smoothly!

At 8/11/2006 1:51 PM, Blogger Becca said...

Thank you so much. I am alive, and God is good.

At 8/11/2006 5:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alive and on the couch...if you all have a moment write or stop by the poor dear is being brave but she is pretty miserable. Mom

At 8/12/2006 12:59 PM, Blogger Jeremiah said...

Man, this is what I miss when I'm running around like crazy. Glad you're alive and well. Do try to stay drugged up (pain free and alot happier [heeheehee!]) and drink alot if breakfast drinks with crushed ice. ^_^ I highly recommened the Nestle brand. *nods*

At 8/12/2006 8:44 PM, Blogger Jen said...

eeek... that is a sudden not so fun surprise :) Well dear keep being strong. Love you!


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