Tuesday, September 12

An Amazing Heritage

I lift my eyes from an unfinished prayer as the phone rings. I answer, “Hello, this Rebekah speaking.” A cheerful voice responds, “Well, how are things going?” My Grandma calls a lot, and she usually talk with Daddy, but he and Mom were out tonight, so I got to talk with her for a while. First she asked about a cake recipe that we had on Levi’s part last month. It was cool because she wanted to compare it to the ingredients to a recipe she found in A Taste of Home. She began to describe the mocha cake, and my ears perked. I’ve been looking for a mocha cake recipe. She caught on, and began to give me the measurements. As I jotted them down I mentioned that I am in the process of collecting the contents of my own recipe box. Of course this thrilled her, and she said boldly, “Well Becca, I’ve always found that the best way to a man’s heart is good food.” I blushed, “Grandma, yeah, that’s my goal,” she could practically hear my eyes roll. We have fun, but then she began to account her day’s activities, and how she is going to be sharing her testimony with a man at work next week the tone changed. ‘Wow, what a heritage?!’ I found myself thinking. I heard her get all excited about Ken, a new international student that she is praying for, and I couldn’t help but thank God for my Grandma. She has been such an incredible witness of His love and faithfulness. She is quick to share of His work in her life. It’s really awesome. I giggled as I hung up the phone. It had been more then an hour. We’re both going to be trying that mocha cake soon, and Lord willing, we’ll both be sharing our testimony next week. Too often I forget to thank God for the blessed heritage He has given me. “The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.” Psalm 16:6.


At 9/13/2006 9:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That post made me smile so much! We do have a wonderful Grandma! I love how she gets so excited about things like sharing her testimony with Ken and also with the little things that come her way! We do have a wonderful, godly heritage! flo

At 9/14/2006 12:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could practically hear Gma saying the words herself! Yes, praise God for his work in Gma ... and what a blessing it is to have married into this family. ;-) your cousin-in-law Nat

At 9/18/2006 8:01 PM, Blogger Joel and Stacey said...

You do have a wonderful, amazing grandma!


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