Saturday, January 20

work, college and last semester of highschool

Some people make these grand statements about how great senior year is, and they probably have a good reason to say such things. Yet, we should not forget that senior year for a homeschooled kid is a bit different than for the upperclassmen in the schools.
I basically live a life of transition. I work mornings, which is only legal for homeschool kids. I have 19 college credits completed over the course of three semesters at Marian college. I am in the middle of forth semester, and I am really going to miss Marian. I know the students. I am familiar with the professors. I almost wish I could stay.
This year I have been painfully aware of my upcoming departure, which is a whole other dilemma. I have enjoyed this year, but it's full of big decisions and responsibilities. There is lot's of opportunity to envy the friends who have already gone, and look down on the friends who are making the same mistakes I made two years ago. Yet, God has been faithful. With every failure of mine, He has proved His greatness. I have said goodbye to a lot of people this year. I will say goodbye to even more next year, but I will never have to say goodbye to my Lord and Savior.
Please pray for me. I am unsure of the days ahead, and I have a hard time learning to trust for the present.
To God be the Glory.


At 1/21/2007 9:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen. Life is always changing. I miss you.

trusting him...

At 1/22/2007 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you dear.
I am praying that God would show forth His grace and love to you this week.
Remember we were created for His Glory. :)

At 1/22/2007 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll keep you in my prayers Rebecca. May God bless you,


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