Friday, September 21

Blessedness and Silliness are Getting Worse

Oh, where to begin. Ahh yes, yesterday afternoon Rebekah met with her friend Esther in the limestone Library. They had originally intended to work on their Education paper which is due in three weeks, but the pressure of tomorrow’s History exam brought them to a quick agreement that the paper could wait. Studying was more important.
After an hour of note comparing the girls started talking “real life”. Yes, most would say History is real life, and Rebekah would be one of them, usually. You must understand that ancient History isn’t the most personable time period. Swing dancing and roommate controversies are far more realistic than Ma’at and Filial Piety.
At four our little History student packed up her books and headed back to her room to spend the next 5 hours studying. She took extensive notes of the text. This should have been done earlier. Thankfully she wasn’t terribly behind. Rebekah took an occasional break to talk to a long-loved brother and to get her food in the cafeteria, though these were multi-tasked into her studious mode, she had her head in the books for so long that it got to the point where she was misspelling things like the word “died”. She wrote:
“Legalism dide with the Qin Dynasty… “
She stared at the word for a while trying to remember one was the past tense of the word “die”. She quickly flipped her pencil over, and pretending it never happened tried again. Spelling it the same way as before she took a deep breath and laughed. “Lord, what are you going to do with me?” Rebekah likes to talk to God about herself, because sometimes He’s the only one Who’s compassionate enough to just listen.
She did get it right the third time, just for the record. Died.
At 8:30 she took a relieving break to go to accountability group in Jenny and Emily’s room. The refreshment of godly fellowship was just the thing to put Rebekah back on track. God’s hand-selected few are far more valuable than any friends Rebekah could have imagined for herself. He is faithful.
One of the girls at the “meeting” was dear Gretchen who happens to be in World History 143. Rebekah had offered her friend the use of her notes, because she felt awful that there had been so much time invested in the pathetic pieces of paper. She hoped that someone else would benefit from her effort. In reviewing the notes Gretchen noticed that there were about five pages dedicated to the Greeks. She said, “Um, we aren’t studying the Greeks. “
It was true. Our little friend had spend two hours pain-staking taking notes on a chapter that wasn’t supposed to be read until next time. This time God’s compassion on miss finite was made manifest in the smiles and encouraging hugs of the cheerful girls around. “Well, you’ll be ready for the next test.”
At 10:00 Rebekah made a bee-line for the gym. The wonderful thing about her being a college student is she can pretty much run her own schedule. The Elliptical is her new favorite way to study. She plopped 35 pages of History notes on the panel and away she went; 45 minutes later we had a tired but happy Becca. The notes were read, and the body was red. Hehe.
Anyways, back in the room there was a bit of a shower, and some messing around with the ever-distracting world wide web. Then she came to a key decision. Would she make coffee and stay up until 3 studying, or would she go to bed and get up at 5?
Counsel was given from caring friends and Mothers to go to sleep. Since the coffee had already been made, Rebekah decided to leave it until the morning. A 4 hour waiting period would make it stronger anyway.
To bed she went.
Before the sun was awake, our Rebekah was bouncing around the room coffee and notes in hand. She was really quiet though because of her precious roommates were sleeping. Breakfast provided a bit of a scenery change for the Scholar. 7:30 she was back in the room and little Jenna and Alex were beginning to show signs of life.
Naturally, Rebekah sang “You are my sunshine,” to ease the morning ritual of getting-up. By now she was on her forth cup of coffee, and her notes were in her head as best as she could remember them. Jenna says, “You are crazy. Why are you talking 100 miles an hour?” She replied, “I’m not, you are just slow because you just woke up.” From her cozy place of rest Alex remarked, “No, you are talking 100 miles an hour.” Whatever.
It’s true that coffee has an amazing way of making even the best day even better. On her way out Alex was in such marvel at the workings of the brew that she asked Rebekah to show her how to work the new coffee machine. Her wish was eagerly granted.
On her way to class Rebekah reviewed notes and tried to thank God for the gorgeous morning at the same time. Such confusing prayers could never be interpreted by anyone but the Holy Spirit Himself. The Lord knows the heart, and thankfully He is compassionate.
Thankfully Dr. Graham is compassionate aswell. Rebekah accidently spilled her offee on her History test. She dashed the bathroom and cleaned up the mess, but he provided her a new test and a smile. Thanks Dr. Graham.
God only knows how Rebekah did on her test, but she feels good. Now, exactly why she feels good may have nothing to do with the test… as you may have gathered. Hopefully, the results will only reconfirm that God wants Rebekah to teach History.
Thanks for… being Rebekah’s friend. At least I hope you are her friend, considering you’re rereading this 983 word blog.


At 9/21/2007 10:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are adorable. Thanks for sharing your daily events. It makes the whole separation easier. I can envision you in your is good writing.

I do not recommend taking coffee to class, too distracting and maybe too messy too. Have a blessed day resting in the will of the Father. See you next Friday.

At 9/21/2007 8:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We miss you tonight! We are getting ready for evangelism so I decided to check in on you. Nobody's here yet but we are anxiously waiting to see who the Lord brings. Aaron just called from Canada and his group of 25 youth is praying for us!

I love the elliptical and I do it 3 times a week--be careful to give your wrists a break every 15 minutes or so.

Austin says hi!


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