Monday, September 17

Thoughts on Romance when I should be reading Econcomics

There is something unique about the Christian account of creation. Several religions claim that god/gods made the world and the people in it, so how are we to know that the Bible is the accurate account? What is so specially about Moses’ version The Beginning?
When God made man he made him out of dust and then as Dr. Gamble would say, He kissed him. Theunromantic way of saying it: “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.” Imagine man laying limb in God’s hand and then God leans down to Adams face and breaths into him life. What a glorious moment when Adam first gazed into the face of God inches away from his own.
Next, Adam watched as the LORD planted a garden. Then, “The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.” God led man to his work. He took him and placed him in his domain. It was after they were in the garden that the first recorded conversation between God and man took place. God commanded,
“You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day you eat of it you shall surely die.”
Adam was standing in this bountiful garden, and God introduces his first law. Death is the punishment of disobedience, yet how did Adam know the meaning of death? We take for granted that we understand death. Adam had no experience with anything coming to an end.
Then, the Lord said, “It’s not good for man to be alone; I will make a helper fit for him.” Now, we would expect Eve to come into the picture now, but she does not. God makes the animals. He recognizes that man is alone, and it is not good, but he gives Adam some time to live alone. He brings Adam the animals and whatever Adam calls them that is their name. After the long processional of elephants, bears, penguins Adam still has not found a helper fit for him.
God likes us to serve Him and focus on Him before fulfilling the need that He already understands. It would have been easy for Adam to be naming these animals thinking that God has forgotten or made a mistake. God knew that Adam needed Eve, the Bible makes note of that early on. Adam needed to understand that before his own needs came his relationship and his service to God.
“So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall on the man.”
Adam had had a long day: Meeting God, tending the garden, getting his first command, being lonely, naming the animals, and still not finding someone to fulfill his needs. God causes him to sleep. Had Adam been a control freak like some of us, he would have fought sleep. He would have demanded for answers. He would have agonized over his need for a helper and pointed to the animals saying, “they have helpers, why can’t I?”
God wanted Adam to rest in Him and trust Him. It was in Adam’s sleep that God made Woman.
“And the rib that the LORD had taken from the man He made into a woman and brought her to the man.”
God forms Eve. She is His last act of creating. She is not made from the earth like the man and the animals. She is made from Adam, and (as I Cor. 11 says) she is made for Adam.
Eve doesn’t get the kiss of life. God used living flesh to make her. When God had made woman He brought her to the man. Eve followed God before she met Adam. She had to trust Him. Remember that when God made man he “placed him in the garden”. Adam’s first priority was his work. When God made Eve, it she already in the garden, but He “brought her to man.” God guided Eve. He walked with her.
What a moment when Adam awoke from his rest to find Woman being brought to him. Perhaps the habit of a girls father bringing her down the aisle originated from this first wedding ceremony. Think of Adam’s face, it couldn’t have been too different from the grinning faces of the happy grooms we see in our day.
The first recorded words that man has ever spoken are a love song:
“This at last, is bone of my bonesAnd flesh of my fleshShe shall be called Woman,Because she was taken out of Man.”
God then makes an interjection in the story. Like a good film director would fade out of such a love scene, so God fades out to make the point that “Therefore, a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” Adam didn’t have a father and a mother, so this command was written for those of us who follow the example of the first marriage.
I would submit that any other creation text is not nearly this romantic nor this pure. God wrote Bible, and it’s lovely. There is so much to gain. I mostly speculate as you know. I have no authority to interpret Scripture other than the Holy Spirit opening my eyes.
It’s important for us to consider Adam and Eve. It’s the way it’s supposed to be. I’ve heard guys complain that it was easy for Adam because he didn’t have anyone else to choose from; Eve was made for him. Yet, God didn’t indulge Adam’s desire for Eve right away. He introduced him to the Animals first. Adam was naming the animals waiting for Eve to come up the line, but she didn’t. So Adam had to rest in the Lord. Then he found his wife. God brought her to him.
I’ve also heard girls say the Eve just woke up one day and got her man. It’s important for us to remember that God has to lead us. God has made us, and he will also lead us to the man he has for us. We need to follow Him.
The Bible is incredible. It’s romantic in a way that mortal authors cannot be. God’s word speaks to the heart. It shapes our very soul.


At 9/17/2007 1:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful description of the first union Becca. God does lead us step by step into His ultimate plan. Is it good to rest in that knowledge and keep following His plan for us today.


I thank God for the sensitive, insightful spirit He has bestowed on you.


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