Sunday, September 23


I would say Sunday morning is probably the hardest time of the week. When I’m home I get up around 7:30 and head downstairs to enjoy coffee with Mom and Dad. We usually talk about something and help the little people get their breakfast. It’s not that I was extremely helpful Sunday mornings, but there is something special about going to worship God as a family vs. a single college student. This morning I woke up at 7:30, not because I needed to but out of habit. I got dressed spent some time on my hair, and then went to breakfast by myself. Most of the campus isn’t up by 8:30 on a Sabbath morning. It was a lovely and peaceful walk from here to the cafeteria. When I got back to my room it wasn’t even 9 and so I decided to write a bit. I began thinking about my family and how they are bustling around making sure shoes are tied and outfits match. My Dad is practicing the Psalms for worship and my Mom is making sure Luke can go help her put out bulletins. What a crazy life. I miss it.
There is a glorious independence that comes with growing up, but there is also an element of loneliness that can only be dealt with in terms of Gods abiding presence. I love going to Rose Point and sitting in the college row. I just have a new appreciation for family after spending several Sundays without one; which is why I’m coming home next weekend.
“Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!”
God is faithful. Enjoy worship.


At 9/23/2007 2:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Sunshine,
You are coming home!!! I still haven't made an interview time for Luke. Make sure and remind me to do that.

So I have been thinking... do you think I am an optimist or a pessimist? I used to think I was an optimist but now I am not so sure. Haha ... which probably means I am a pessimist... but how can a Christian be a pessimist?? isn't having eternal hope a reason to be eternally optimist? What do you think?

I miss you in church every time you are not there...


At 9/24/2007 1:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is so frustrating that you can not answer me on this...oh well I think I will get my own blog..wait then you still can't just have to go get whatever you need to fix this...

so far the debate in my mind is leaning toward pessimist...although I do believe a person can have different periods of life where they go back and forth.... I am glad God gave you to me...the eternal optimist....but perhaps there will be a day.....

4 days....

At 9/24/2007 11:34 PM, Blogger Becca said...

I'm commenting! I figured it out. Ok Dear Mother, since it's mostly going to be me and you on this blog... maybe we should make it private, or we could be co-authors. It isn't too hard, and it's a good solution to you having a blog.

Anyways,I would say that overall we need to define our terms, in honor of David Pulliam, if nothing else. ;-)
optimism: an inclination to put the most favorable construction upon actions and events or to anticipate the best possible outcome
pessimism: an inclination to emphasize adverse aspects, conditions, and possibilities or to expect the worst possible outcome

With those working definitions I would say that for you it does vary significantly day to day, and also who you're talking with and what the subject matter is.
Example: when I am away from home and I call you, there is a more optimistic sound in your voice and generally more happy to hear from me. Vs. when I'm home and I would call and we would be on a more pratical or functional basis. You know?

I think you're right that it changes with time and situation. Yet, there is an over arching tendancy in people as you also mentioned. I think you tend to be more pessimisitc, which isn't exactly a bad thing, because there are several Godly people in the Bible that have a pessimistic view. I think this in accordance with our definitions, and not what we were talking about on the phone.

I love you.

At 9/25/2007 12:12 AM, Blogger Natalie said...

Aunt Deb, I thought anyone with 11 kids had to be an optimist?! Maybe Daniel and I can have a large family after all (since I consider myself a pessimist... :-)

Becca, I love passing through hear every once in a while. Thanks for your thoughtful and amusing posts. I'll have to remember to keep dixie cups around for the next time our coffee maker goes on the blink.

At 9/25/2007 8:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Natalie, just take them (one or maybe two)at a time and see where God leads...but yes it is possible.

Very good Becca.

I agree with all you said and yet.

To be an organizer one has to be somewhat optimistic. For example, I totally expect the FMP this weekend to go well. All the ducks are lined up and it will be successful. When I started I knew it would have a good outcome.

There are many things like that. I expect the soccer team to have fun and play well, our fellowship group to enjoy Wednesdays and learn to love one another even more, our kids to learn and someday go where God leads... and on and on.

ok those are all things I am involved with let's see....I expect you to do well being at GCC, the ultimate outcome of the kids new Bible study will be good, worship on Sunday will be positive...mmmm

How about this. Having an optimistic outlook as in knowing with God in control everything ends up being good for the person.
And yet as I write these examples I do tend to think of the problems there and how we need to do this and that to fix them and make them better. So in the process I am a pessimist and maybe an optimist in the final outcome. Is that even possible!!!

Got to get the kids moving. 3 days


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