Friday, October 12

Thank You

Thank you for giving us Zorro for a time.
Thank you for the fun and enjoyment we had with him.
Thank you for friends near and far.
Thank you for truth that stands the test of time.
Thank you for wet rainy days.
Thank you for my rainboots.
Thank you for tight "I love you this much" hugs.
Thank you for placing me on this beautiful campus.
Thank you for getting me through... everything.
Thank you for your Word.
Thank you for laughter.
Thank you for warm flannel sheets.
Thank you for Rose Point Reformed Presbyterian Church.
Thank you for Fall Break.
Thank you for this upcoming Lord's day.
Thank you for giving your "loved ones sleep".
Thank you for being faithful.
Thank you for yellow envelopes.
Thank you for tea.
Thank you for love.
Thank you for the hope of eternity.
Thank you for family.
Thank you for all the things I'm forgetting.
Thank you.


At 10/14/2007 7:40 PM, Blogger Charity said...

Awwwww, Zorro!!!
I could echo your list. You are lovely. And God is so gracious.


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