Wednesday, June 30


I shall now try to finish the representation of the characters of Lord of the Rings. We are finished with men, now we shall move on to dwarves.

DWARVES in there halls of stone

GIMLI the only dwarf truly represented in the trilogy. He is one of the fellowship, brave vengeful and rather rude at times, Gimli follows the footsteps of his fathers with a passionate for the elves. Yet is overcome by a loving friendship for Legolas the Elf before the end is nigh.

ELVES under the sky

ELROND the ruler of the elven city of Rivendell, father of Arwen, the unofficial stepfather of Aragorn, very wise and trustworthy. He has seen much in his three thousand years of life, and yet he knows he soon shall leave this world. He provides much help to the fellowship and strength and courage to those at lose.

LEGOLAS elven price of Merkwood, he attend the counsel of Elrond and then set out on his unexpected journey with the fellowship of the nine. Keen with bow and arrow, swift yet light of foot (which results in the ability to walk on snow), he too has a wisdom gathered though out the ages of his life, and he can sleep while he runs.


ARWEN the daughter of Elrond, raised by her grandmother Galadriel. Arwen is desperately in love with Aragorn, yet she must choose between him and her immortal life, in the end love triumphs, of course we all knew it would. She is a elven princess, with much grace, and gentleness of spirit, she is very beautiful to behold, and has the strength of her father, she too has a part to play.

GALADIEL she is the keeper of one of the three rings gifted to the race of the elves of old, by the hand of Sauron himself. Yet dispite this pressure she houses the fellowship, and refreshes them with her hospitality, and many rich gifts. She too is beautiful and gifted with many powers, and she is as wise as serpents, as harmless as doves.

HOBBITS the race which was discovered in the Hobbit but truly shines the trilogy

PIPPIN the youngest hobbit on the jrouney he and his relation Merry get themselves in more trouble, yet you can't help but love his devotion to Frodo, and his courage when prompted. Pippin is very trusting, naive at times, too curios for his own good, and very undicerning of when not to bother Gandulf with questions. In the end he is one of the grandest heroes of all.

MERRY Pippins counter part, he has a more level head, and is a little less ignorant, yet he is still a hobbit, ignorance is bliss, he was unaware of dark powers all together until he was washed into this journey. He also is very brave but has to be prompted to be, and there was no way he would even think of letting Frodo go into this adventure on his own.

SAM made a promise to Frodo at the very beginning and not once was it broken. He was the most loyal of all, his courage was just as high, nothing could separate him from his mast Frodo. Sam set out with an excitement to finally get a chance to see elves, and things of that sort that one didn't' see in the Shire, he soon finds out that this isn't like one of Bilbo's stories, this was real, he would fight of villains and battle the elements, to make sure Frodo was safe, Frodo wouldn't have made it without Sam.

FRODO the barrier of the ring, at first it was his duty, but before it all was through he volunteered to take the task upon himself with the help of many most of all his faithful servant Samwise. Frodo was strong, and determined, his love for the Shire was evident for truly he did what he did for his home, Frodo may have failed in the eyes of his observers, for he himself never throw the ring into mount doom, yet he bore that ring, which is far more then anyone else could do.

This finishes my representations, there are many more people who made this story live, and truly happen, yet they could not possibly all be mentioned. So Now I must simply say that Rosie is probably the most important character of all. And Gandaulf, yet he didn't fall into any of the categories, and so I didn't do a summery of all he did, plus as a representation of an angelic being I count him as a character but it is hard to summaries to just know that he too is on the list of nominees.


At 6/30/2004 10:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam is my hero! I want to be just like him.:) He is definitely the coolest. After him I probably like Pippin but tis hard to say cause I like all the hobbits.

At 6/30/2004 10:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was me, Anjali. I forgot to sign my name.

At 6/30/2004 11:30 AM, Blogger erudil said...

I'm sure you remember our discussion two weeks ago among the citronella and vediver. I pick Aragorn for his grand, kingly acts and for what his kingship represents.

By the way, Elrond was about 6500 years old 8^D

At 6/30/2004 9:37 PM, Blogger Katie said...

still can't choose. I choose arogorn for his nobiblity and strength. Faramir for his loyalty more that I can't think of. I used to not like Sam cuz he wasn't as good looking as the rest of the hobbits but he really is a sweet, loyal hobbit. I like Merry and Pippin the pair with Merry's sense and Pippin's lack of it in most situations. I could go on and on....

At 7/01/2004 12:13 AM, Blogger Brian said...

EOWYN, ARAGORN, LEGOLAS, ARWEN, SAM, and GANDALF all seem to have a tie in my book. Each in his/her own way show extraordinary heroism to get FRODO to Mount Doom to destroy the ring. SAM I guess will have to be my favorite simply because of his uncompromising commitment to FRODO as a friend, comrade, and encouragement.


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