Wednesday, May 25

9 odd things about me:

1. I love getting sun burn

2. If I like the beverage I am drinking, I will put it's container (a.k.a the mug, glass, cup etc.) against the side of my face.

3. I paint my toe nails from side to side. Not bottom to top like normal people.

4. I refuse to wear nice shoes. I have recently attempted to release my feet from opressive bondage durnign Sunday morning, graduation, and other such nice events.

5. I only journal in my journal like once a month max. Yet I journal 14 entries a month. Figure that one.

6. When I am mad I start tangently cleaning the kitchen. I don't know what it is. Perhaps it's the noice I can make with the dishes, or the steaming hot water on my skin, or the oppertunity to be left alone (no one will offer to help=)

7. I like to sit outside on the ground in the middle of thunderstorms.

8. I am slightly more dramatic than most.

9. The magozine I read most is the parental one. (Ok, so I don't order them for myself but they are scattered everywhere when I babysit.)

Hey, now it's your turn. What makes you odd?!


At 5/25/2005 10:11 PM, Blogger Jeremiah said...

I agree with Margaret. Slightly more dramatic? lol

I'm sure other people can point out nine odd things about me, better than I can.

At 5/26/2005 4:49 AM, Blogger Ellie said...

I think I'm going to do that.. make a list of all the odd things about me. I also love Thunderstorms, but Becca? Don't you think its kinda dangerous to sit outside during one?
Love you :)

At 5/26/2005 7:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ya but it is still cool

At 5/26/2005 9:06 AM, Blogger Becca said...

Thank you Anonymous, agreed. I don't do that alot... because my parents sorta freak out if htey know about it. =)

At 5/26/2005 10:27 AM, Blogger Steve said...

You cannot experience the full effect of a T-storm unless you are out in it. Sure it is a risk, but it is a risk well worth taking.

At 5/26/2005 12:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Beccas,

Yeah, Micah gave the go ahead on linking the graduation pictures.

Okay, this is a really cool post, and I would love to comment, but dear little Liss is kicking me off the computer right now, so I shall have to come back later.


P.S. Margaret, ditto on the sweatpants!

At 5/26/2005 8:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm back. Here are nine odd things about me:

1. I always hit the back of my silverware on the back of my hand right before using it.

2. I have to smell my books when I read them.

3. I have "twirled/twiddled" my hair since I've had it and I still do.

4. If I like a picture, I frame it; thus, my room looks slightly like a photo gallery.

5. I have to read every word of letters, cards, e-mails, posts, comments, etc. I can't skim things. Otherwise, I feel guilty.

6. I have never applied for a job, yet I have two different jobs.

7. I have an obsession with words and correctness. I actually looked it up, and there's no such word as "heighth." It's always just "height."

8. I could not walk in flip-flops until just a few weeks ago.

9. I am known for saying "go me," or "go us," (depending on which one applies).

At 5/26/2005 8:17 PM, Blogger erudil said...

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At 5/26/2005 8:18 PM, Blogger erudil said...

Am I odd, because I don't paint my toenails bottom to top?

At 5/27/2005 12:18 PM, Blogger David Pulliam said...

Here is only a couple of me.

I rather go the harder way then the easier way.

I occassionally inflict myself with pain.

I have muscles in my head which allow me to move my ears.

I sometimes think as though I'm reading a book.

I enjoyed reading Plato's Republic.

I can write with both hands.

I wear sandels and shorts year around.

At 5/27/2005 6:11 PM, Blogger Steve said...

here is a couple

Whenever I am using a pencil or pen I unconsciously put it behind my ear. Because of this habit I had a pencil behind my ear all the time last semester, once I even went to bed with one behind my ear.

whenever I walk into a house or a room I always check out the achitecture/design and try to mentally improve it.

I enjoy the respect I get when I wear my cowboy hat around town.

Ever since I learned my ABC's I have thought of A-K as the lower set and L-Z as the upper class set. And for some reason I have always prefered the upper set, they are the cooler letters. I will never think of the alphabet as a whole, always as a two parts.

I ran 2 miles in flip flops just to silence someone who was mouthing off about how hard they are to walk/run in.

At 5/28/2005 8:44 AM, Blogger Elizabeth said...

What could make me any more odd than being related to Becca? :-)

At 5/28/2005 9:40 AM, Blogger erudil said...

:-) Since I don't paint my toenails at all, I can't possibly paint them the odd way.

At 5/28/2005 2:45 PM, Blogger erudil said...

Remember that James had a multi-great-uncle named John Calvin Knox Faris.

At 5/30/2005 10:52 AM, Blogger Becca said...

you know what james... *sigh* it's pointless.


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