Monday, October 24

A Thought...

Think of this:
"A man dressed in black with a creepy mask pulled over his face invades your secluded area of study. He looks around, pulls a gun out of his pocket and whispers in your ear, "Do you believe in Christ Jesus, the Son of God?" As he waits for your response He lifts the gun to your neck and screams with a curse in his voice. "Claim His name and die fool?!" What do you say?

Think of this:
"17 soldiers interrupt your morning church service. Some block all exits and others file up to the pulpit and proclaim with wicked authority, "Those who love life can go home, but those of you who love Christ will be tortured to death. You can leave the building peaceably if you disown the God you say is worth dying for." As they drag you away they beat your head with thick metal rods. It would only take one word of denial and you would be free. What do you do?

Through out the ages Christians have been faced with these choices. With the blessed freedom America has to offer, we know so very little of the reality of martyrdom. What would I do if I knew going to church risked my life? What would I say if the gun was held to my head? It's good to recall how easily our comfort could be taken away. It isn't am impossibility that, in our lifetime we are faced with these kinds of options. Also, as we are reminded of the cruelty of this world, we should remember the thousands of brothers and sisters we have around the earth who are suffering so much for His sake. We must pray for them. We must find ways to encourage their hearts as they sacrifice their very lives for His Kingdom purpose. Let us not forget that God is worth dying for, and how much He is worth living for.


At 10/24/2005 9:38 AM, Blogger Charity said...

I had a teacher who would say, "If you were accused of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?"

It's another good thought.


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