Wednesday, October 19


Good morning all. I witnessed the sunrise this day. I actually roused myself from beautiful slumber at five this morning. *big smile* It's good for me. I have a Physics test in an hour so this won't be long post, but I had to get up because I had homework to finish. For once, I allowed myself to go to sleep around midnight. I can do that if I have the will power to wake up in the morning. The few times I tried this method last year I would turn off my alarm and go back to sleep, which resulted in unfinished homework, and a miserable self. Today was different.

I have started like eight different poems in the last month, but haven't finished one of them. I hope I can get over my mind block, because I like posting poetry on my blog.

Mr. Pulliam's writing class is tomorrow, so I have writing to do when I get home from class. *big smile* It's good for me. Actually, I may end up posting one or two of my papers just for fun. The rule would be that all comments be contructive, and not too critical.

Ok have a good day. Squeeze your eyes shut tight, grin super big, and think of nine reasons why you should be excited to be alive! It puts me in a better mood at least.


At 10/19/2005 4:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw the sunrise too this morning. It was a bit cloudy so and the water at the lake was rough, so we didn't get the amazing reflection of moon and stars on the water; however, the actually sunrise was out of this world. The few clouds to the East were soaked with an array of oranges, reds and pinks. It was incredible. I hope you have an amazing night of studying for Pulliam class. 'Later.


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