Friday, March 3

I just heard a great man speak

This evening I got to go to hear President George Bush Sr. speak. He was amazing. The man is witty, gracious, fun-loving, wise, forgiving, confident, inspiring, humble, and enjoyable. He spoke on many things, but one of the things that struck me was his attitude of humility. The guy was the president, and yet he really sorta of talked about it as if it wasn't all there was to life. He commented that one of the greatest days in office was when Millie had her puppies. He joked around about different stuff, but his message was clear. He was there to encourage Americans to get over themselves and serve each other. I was really impressed with our former president. We owe him a lot. It was really cool being able to connect with history on a personal level. I learned something this evening, and I am thankful.


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