Sunday, June 18

I Leave in Less than Two Weeks

It's been a busy weekend. We did get our room painted. It's a bright pink, and the three of us really like it. We had to do two coats because we were painting over a light blue, so it took longer than expected, but we love it.
I spent the weekend with friends. I love my friends. I love being so close to people. I love loving people this much.
I just got back from evening service at Northside. I am not going to be worshiping there for five Sundays in a row. This was my last time, and I am really sad because I will miss our church so much. I enjoy visiting other churches, but when I worship away from 2RP for more than two Sundays in a row I get homesick. I'm excited though, because I know that I will grow to love the Ridgefield Park congregation and then when I get home and miss them.

It's it interesting that life is full of loving people and missing people. The best feeling is not really knowing a person, but loving them. There are several example of this. One would be waiting for a new baby. The nine months it takes for a baby to come can seem like an eternity (I say that now who knows what I will be saying when it's actually my baby.) I love my little brother/sister so much before they are even born. Another example would be future spouse. It's weird to think, but I love the man I will someday marry. I love him, and I have no idea who he is. Yet, an example that is closer to home is this mission trip. I really love the people in Ridgefield Park, New Jersey. I really love my team. I have not met anyone of them, and I miss them now. Emotions are funny things. Missing people is a funny thing. Paul talks about missing people in a really awesome way in Colossians 2: "For though I am absent in body, yet I am with you in spirit, rejoicing to see your good order and the firmness of your faith in Christ." The love of God makes it so that we can love with a love that is beyond human ability. It's really awesome to think that I can love God's people, and never really have to bear the pain of separation in a spiritual sense. I don't have to really say goodbye to my brothers and sisters in Christ, ever. I will firstly spend all of eternity with them worshiping the Lamb, and secondly even here I am with them in prayer, I am with them in rejoicing, I am with them in love, because the love of God transcends the physical presence of a person.
Ok this may be wacko, and you can tell me if it is, but since God is love (I John 4) then love is not simply one of God's attributes. It goes beyond that somehow, to be part of His essence. So does true love transcend time and space because God transcends time and space? Is love in a sense omnipresent? Well, it is isn't it because when God tells us what love is (I Cor. 13) He uses words like always, and love is more than a noun, it's more than a verb, it's more than a adjective. When I love someone, I always love them, and it's not a passing thing.
Well, I don't understand love. I will say with John, "What manner of love is this, that we should be called the children of God?" I can't explain what manner of love this is, but I know that when a person is saved by the love of God, that he is also transformed by the love of God. I know that love is the essence of the Christian walk. To love God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our strength with all our body, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Love is really what it's all about. John also warns us that when do not love Christians, the love of God isn't in us. Actually, I John has a lot to say about love. If you are intrigued by what I have been rambling about at all read through John's first letter and see how vital love really is.

I need to go.
Love ya,


At 6/20/2006 1:48 AM, Blogger Charity said...

That's so true about loving and missing people... I am so grateful that God lets us experience emotions and feelings -- even if they are hard sometimes. I hope you have a wonderful time on your missions trip. I'm sure you'll be a great blessing to the church there and to the people on the team with you. I know that the Team here is such an encouragement to me and to the churches!

On to a random subject - I heard you cut Anna's hair! I really want to see pictures. :-)

love ya, Becca!


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