Monday, February 5

For All You Girls...

You are beautiful. Not because of some lucky genes, but because you are saved. A regenerate heart is the most beautiful thing this world can sustain. Don't forget to praise the one who made you beautiful. Don't forget to adore the Man who died for you. It was no small thing. It took the blood of God Himself to make your beautiful. May He be praised.

You are lovely. Not because of some fortunate romantic relationship, but because you are loved by Love itself. God loves you. He cares more about your then you can fathom. He loved you, so that you could be lovely. He loved you so that you could love. Don't forget to love He who loved you first. Don't forget to love Him enough to follow His commandments, "If you love me, then keep my commandments."

You are honored. Not because you born into some royal family, but because He choose to honor you. He gave up His honor so that you may regain yours. Don't replace it with a cheap reputation. He has given you the title of Princess, "a daughter of the King". Remember to act like the honorable woman He has made you to be.

You are pure. Not because you have kept the law, but because He has. His righteous blood has washed your heart pure. Don't toss it away for momentary pleasure. Imagine your earthly Father's reaction if you were to confess to him some compromising of your purity. How much more does your heavenly Father desire your heart to be blameless before Him? How much more does He love you? How much more does He know about your motives and actions? Don't throw away the desire of Christ our Bridegroom. Right now our beauty is desired by Him (Ps. 45:10) but He will deny us if we deny His work, and live like girls of the world seeking "love" where it can’t be found.

You are noble. Not because of some great act that you have done, but because of His saving grace. You were lost, dead, completely blind. Yet because of His work you are found, because of his Life you are alive, and because of his power you are healed-you can see. Don't throw away the talent and the time He has given you. Do noble things for your Lord. No one else is worthy of your constant attendance. Give Him your heart and your zeal, and you will please Him. Someday He will say to you, "Well done My good, and faithful servant."

You are peaceful. Not because your have reasoned yourself to some point of sanity, but because His everlasting peace-which surpasses understanding- lives in you. Do not forget and become anxious. You would be acting like a pagan (Matt. 6:28) to worry. Rather, rest in Him. "Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you." Your Father in Heaven knows what you need, and He will supply it. Trust in Him, and abide in peace all the days of your life.

Now, against these things there is no law. Do not forget who you are in Christ. Do not forget what is yours by inheritance. Live for Him. Live in Him. Further your beauty, loveliness, purity, honor, nobility, and peace. Give Him your heart again today, and allow Him to work in and through you. For the greatness of His glory and honor.

"Seek first the Kingdom of God."



At 2/05/2007 11:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rebekah, That was beautiful. Thank you!
I love you so much!

At 2/05/2007 1:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen. Thanks be to God who always brings us what we need when we need it for His good pleasure. We are established in Him.

At 2/05/2007 6:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Becca...I need that! Return my call whenever you get a chance... :)

At 2/05/2007 6:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 2/07/2007 5:09 AM, Blogger Charity said...

You are wonderful, and truly, deeply beautiful. I always get so much out of your posts. I love you.

p.s. I really liked the post about you and Beth and Cathy singing. :o) I can picture it all...

At 2/09/2007 11:43 PM, Blogger erudil said...

It's really a blessing that you're able to have time to reflect so much on God's truths. Thanks!


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