Saturday, October 13

Suffering People

Last night I watched Freedom Writers. I was blown away by the pain and violence that kids experience in urban schools. We had to watch the movie for Education class. The teacher basically drew her students together and gave them the hope that they needed to rise above the gangs and hatred that they grew up in.

It was startling to watch the true story unfold. These were highschool kids and they witnessed murder, abuse, and sever discrimination on all sides. My heart hurt for them. I wanted to be a teacher who could change these lives and break the pattern of violoence.

Yet, there was a another side to the coin. The teacher in the movie sacrificed everything for these kids. She ends up enduring a devorce because she spends so much time and enegry on her students. She doesn't have a life outside the classroom. I didn't like that. I'm not ready to give everything up a roomfull of highschool kids.

This morning we went to a Step into Africa Exibit at the local YMCA. We put on headphones and "became" an African child. We walked slowly through a maze of dirty rooms and jungle trails. We ended up in a Clinic to be tested for Aids. I was Immanuel. I was HIV negative, but my mother and father died of Aids. I lived with my older brother Frank who took care of me. He was only 9.

Walking out of that exhibit my whole body ached. The pain endured by so many people around the world is a burden that Christ alone can bear. There is so much to be done, but where can a girl begin? Am I to teach in the inner city and dedicate the next few years of my life to pouring everything I've got into my students? Am I to follow a call to a distant land and help people understand the love of Christ amidst the suffering and pain of this present world.

Regardless of the future I am here at Grove City College now. I am to serve God by being diligent in my work, by reaching out to those around me, and by being faithful in keeping His commandments. I was nervous watching the movie last night, and even more so standing in line to enter the exhibit this morning. "To whom much is given, much is required." I have been given much.

Now the question is, what is required? What does God want to do with me? What am I willing to do for Him?

"Then the King will say to those on His right, 'Come you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food. I was thristy and you gave me drink. I was a stranger and you welcomed me. I was naked and you clothed me. I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.'

Then the righteous will answer Him,
"Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you,
or thirsty and we gave you drink?
And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you,
or naked and clothe you?
And when did did we see yo usick or in prison and visit you?"

And the King will answer them,
"Truly, I say to you as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers,
you did it to me."

Matthew 25:34-40


At 10/15/2007 6:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done good and faithful servant.

Won't it be great.

Focus and we will see you soon.


At 10/17/2007 8:30 PM, Blogger Charity said...

mm...we do live in a suffering world -- physically and spiritually. I know God is going to use you in great ways, Becca.

At 10/22/2007 2:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok missy you have not written for awhile. It was so good to be with you for four whole days, well 3 1/2. But Sabbath has to count as two, it is doubly good.

I miss you already but I am learning (almost daily) to leave it all in God's hands and not fret over what I can not change. Wouldn't it be great if these next few weeks fly by, they just might if we keep focused on what God has before us to do. Missing you.



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