Monday, May 30

a mess, and what coffee, milk, and poptarts have to do with it

My life is a mess. Yes, my room being one. I don't know why I can't keep my room clean, but I can't. I believe it may have to do with the fact that no matter how many times I have gotten it back to order I can never organize everything. I mean that if I get my closet done, my desk needs much help. The point is I could spend about 2 days in there deep cleaning, and if I don't do it soon I will go nuts. The issue is that I don't have 2 days any time soon... *shoulders droop*

Then we have school. I have Algebra to finish up. Though I don't have nearly as much as I had when I started the day, I still have work to do before the deadline tomorrow. Also, I have Mr. Pulliam's class assignments this week. The sad thing is that not only do I have the stuff that is due on Friday to get done. I also have the edit my reserach paper and finish a couple other things that haven't been totally accomplished.

Then we have troubles with work. I am yet agian working everyday this week. I bring it upon myself I know, and by the end of the week I will be totally excited that I all the cash, but for now, it just looks bleek.

Alrighty, well I will be ok. I heard from a friend today that it isn't good to vent on my blog. I don't really call this venting though, I would say more... sad release of inner stress.

Anyways, I did have a good day. This morning I was in a fine mood. I got my gardening all done, and the sun took it's toll upon my skin yet again. *big grin*

Oh, about the title. I am at this moment drinking a mug of coffee, a small pink glass of milk and finishing up my blueberry poptart. I need comfort food at a time like this. There are literally papers all over this desk... and it isn't even my desk. Oh, don't get me started again, I will just move on.

I hope you all have a great evening. Don't worry about me, I will be just fine.


At 5/30/2005 10:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That wasn't venting...

Glad you'll be okay. I always know you'll be okay.

Yay for comfort foods!

I love you!

At 5/31/2005 12:17 AM, Blogger David Pulliam said...

Make sure you don't just eat for for comfort, then it becomes an addiction.

At 5/31/2005 6:40 AM, Blogger Jeremiah said...

Hope things get better for ya Becca. =/ Glad you got the gardening done for the... Two days. (Doesn't seem to take that long for weeds to start growing. heh)

Enjoy the cash!

Eating food is alright but don't do it all the time. Maybe hit either a pillow or one of your brothers. J/K! Just hit the pillow! Or you could do what I do and just pop in Spider-Man 2 or Time Crisis 3 and take out frustrations by beating down all those criminals. =P

At 5/31/2005 7:48 AM, Blogger erudil said...

I don't care whether it were venting or not; I don't care. I enjoy reading whatever is going on in people's lives, whether enjoyable or hateful. Keep up a good spirit!

At 5/31/2005 3:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My blog is back and kicking butt! Check it out at

At 6/05/2005 2:47 PM, Blogger Katie said...

ugh! My room is in just as much need. I haven't cleaned in months! At least I have the time on my hands to do it, I think.


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