Sunday, September 4

a beautiful Lord's Day afternoon

It is slowly turning fall, and I am so excited. The world is a bit colder when I wake up the morning, and I can't take evening strolls without my bare toes turning numb. The change is a good change, and it's really gorgeous to watch and feel. It seems in summer that the earth is more intense. Sometimes it's an intensity of fun and play, and sometimes it's an intensity of harsh heat that kills all but the fittest. In fall however, it’s less “in your face”. It's like the world begins to yield to the inevitable law of winter, and by doing so becomes more meek and humble in her appeal. It's like, she doesn't know what she's about, near as much as she did in the summer, and she has to almost repent of some of her heated passion.
Fall is lovely. I would not say it is my favorite season, because I can never choose one. It's just that the earth is more compatible during fall, as if she has learned to listen. September is one of the best months. It's so very warm, and yet it quietly submits to the cool of the evening and wakes up hopeful that it can have it's way.
God loves beauty. He loves his world. He made it, and it's beautiful. It's a fallen world now, but I think that will only make it that much incredible when He remolds his creation to be perfect again. Sometimes I forget that He reveals Himself in creation, but when my soul is suddenly awakened by the song of my garden, the glory of the stars, or the whisper of the wind, than I remember. I remember that God made these things, and they are His way of speaking without words. Our God is a God who surpasses the need for language on occasion. Because it's often when I am in His creation that the Holy Spirit offers up my "groans that cannot be uttered,” and I cannot speak before the King. I too must learn to submit the laws He has laid before me to follow, and learn how to listen. Maybe I should take some lessons from the fall.


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At 9/04/2005 10:08 PM, Blogger Katie said...

God's creation is so beautiful!

At 9/05/2005 3:05 PM, Blogger erudil said...

The spacious heav'ns declare
The glory of our God;
The firmament displays
His handiwork abroad;
Day unto day doth utter speech,
And night to night doth knowledge teach.


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